Published in Augusta, ME
- A Kennebecker in Cuba (Jun 13)
- No Sign of Missing Submarine “A 7” Which Sank of England (Jan 19)
- Terrible Anxiety of Crew of Palmer (Jan 19)
- Flames Endanger Cape Cod Forests (Apr 28)
- Lack Air Pressure Cause of Blast on U.S.S. Mississippi (Jun 17)
- New Amazonian Animal (Jun 24)
- Two Splendid Features Today at Johnson Opera House (Sep 5)
- Ticonic Bridge Closed to Traffic (Sep 13)
- Stylish and Stout Models Shown At Daylight Wednesday (Oct 9)
- Frisco People Get Glimpse of Ship Shenandoah (Oct 21)
- Install Automatic Safety Signals (Nov 1)
- Dedicate Maine’s War Memorial at Kittery Today (Nov 11)
- Will Seek to Stop Use Norwegian Flag by Rum Ships (Nov 14)
- Hold “Conny, the Rat” in Shooting of Boston Policemen (Dec 2)
- Santa Claus Really Coming to Gardiner (Dec 15)
- Coolidges Take Part in Christmas Eve Ceremonies (Dec 25)
- Mercury Hangs Low Throughout Wild Snowstorm (Jan 21)
- Will Leave Sub S-19 Alone Until Weather Clears (Jan 22)
- Modern British Battleships (Jan 24)
- Craft Stranded in Boston Harbor Due to Heavy Fog (Feb 11)
- Woodmen Observe 25th Anniversary (Feb 25)