A Dallas Custom

That of the policemen discharging loaded pistols all over the city every time an alarm of fire is raised at night. The object is to arouse those who are not…

July 7, 1861 – Important from New Mexico

The Galveston (Texas) News, of the 24th ult., contains the following. Capt. Clairborne is a citizen of Nashville, and we believe Capt. Wilcox was originally appointed from this State:

Capt. Wilcox, late of the Seventh infantry, U. S. A., and Capt. Claiborne, of the Mounted Rifles, from New Mexico, arrived here last evening via San Antonio. Capt. Wilcox is a brother of Hon. J. A. Wilcox of San Antonio. He was assistant Adjutant General of New Mexico until he received promotion to his company. He goes-to Richmond. Capt. Claiborne goes to Tennessee, his native State, to offer his sword to Gov. Harris.