February 7, 1862 – The Port Royal Cotton

The comparatively moderate amount of confiscated South Carolina cotton arriving at this port is really no indication of the extent of the work of picking or of the quantity yet to he gathered. It is true that much of the cotton which was grown very near the large rivers and water-courses in the vicinity of Port Royal, and not burned by the rebels, has been brought forward ; but a very small proportion of the whole amount on the islands has yet been brought to Hilton Head for shipment to this port.

The work of gathering goes steadily on; large quantities have been collected on the inland plantations, and ginning is carried on to a considerable extent. The number of contrabands engaged in the work is increasing, and the chief difficulty at present is a want of transportation facilities.

December 27, 1861 – Wretched Charleston!

It will be remembered that at about the time that the secession movement began, many of the property owners in Charleston, as in other Southern cities, who had been in the habit of insuring against fire in the Northern insurance companies, withdrew their risks from these offices with much insolence and parade, and transferred them to local organizations. Most of the latter have suspended while all tho others now are bankrupted, so that utter ruin must fall on those whose property has by this calamity been destroyed.

December 10, 1861 – From the 3d Regiment. N. H. V.

Correspondence of the American

Hilton Head, Port Royal
South Carolina, Nov. 28

Dear American : Although we had an order more than a week ago to hold ourselves in readiness to move at a moment’s notice, we have not “budged an inch” since. The story in camp is that we have been ordered to leave to-morrow, but l am not certain about it. We are not allowed to know where we are going, but it is said to be not over one day’s sail. I hope it will not be far, for I am heartily sick of “steaming it o’er the main.”

I have nothing very particular to write you for news. Everything seems to be moving on to the completion of the defence of this island. Hundreds of men are continually throwing up entrenchments and fortifications. It is said that “Jeff.” says “he will have this island in his hands again, if it takes every man he can raise.” It will take every man he can raise, and then “he will not be able to re-take it. Gen. Sherman says: “Give me two weeks more, and I will defy all he can bring against me.” We have no idea that an effort will be made to regain what they have lost here. Yesterday, our gunboats “let loose their dogs of war,”” on a small place, about six miles from here, where a number of rebels had made their appearance. I understand they scattered in “double quick” time. We distinctly heard the booming of the cannon here. It is of no use for them to come prying into our affairs, to get information in regard to our proceedings, in order to report to their rebel chief, because “argus eyes’’ are upon them—our pickets are stationed at every corner and loophole, ready and most willing to give the alarm on the instant any appearance of their “ugly phizes,” becomes manifest.

December 4, 1861 – The Camp Kettle, Port Royal

The Camp Kettle is the name of an enterprising publication established by the “mudsills” at Hilton Head, S. C. The following is the title and imprint of the paper:—

Vol. 1. Nov. 21, 1861. No. 6.

The Camp Kettle is published every opportunity by the Field and Staff of the Roundhead Regiment, Col. Lesure commanding.

It is printed on board the steamer Ocean Queen, of which it speaks as follows :

The Chief engineer has given us a fine room right in among the machinery, partly over the immense cylinder which confines the spirit that rules the wave, for a printing office, where we, queerly enough, are printing our Kettle. Beneath us groans and hisses the pent demon, that shrieks to break his narrow cell. Beside us on one hand rises and sinks the huge piston rod, on the other the connecting rod that wearilessly drives around the crank to give motion to the great monster of the deep, freighted with some sixteen hundred souls, and stores of munitions of war, and instruments of death intended tor the benefit of traitors. We could philosophise here, but prefer to say what we intended to say in the beginning—that Capt. Seabury and his crew are men to be remembered, and if we should never meet again, may God bless them for their kindness to us.

December 3, 1861 – The Contrabands

A Port Royal correspondent of the Times writes:

One of the most remarkable features of the new life in South Carolina is afforded by the negroes. Black servants have been hired by many of the officers as waiters, and washermen and women. Black gangs have worked on the shore, or been used as oarsmen ; blacks have served as scouts and guides in the reconneissances. Crowds of the women and children may be seen in various parts of the camps, but especially near head-quarters, where they inhabit their own huts still. There they receive their rations, there they build fires to cook their food or to do their washing, and cluster into odd-looking groups, picturesque for all their squalor. The men and boys join them at night, and always, after supper, in a dilapidated out-house, is held a, prayer-meeting. I listened outside, last night, and heard ardent ejaculations or thanksgiving for the favorable chance God had given to “my colored bruddren.” The jargon was absurd, but It was earnest; the singing was out of tune and time, but it was fervent. In some quarters the blacks are less religious, and held a ball to celebrate the coming of the Yankees. I have talked with nearly half of those I have seen; have asked them which they preferred, the new or the old order of things, and though some here and there spoke kindly of their masters, there was no mistaking the genuineness of their gratitude for the change.

November 1, 1861 – Our Volunteers in Virginia

The Camden Volunteers, Capt. Kennedy.—The health of this Company has greatly improved. Lieut. Niles, who has been home since the last of August, having left the company on account of sickness, returned on Monday last, with a full supply of clothing, blankets, &c., for the men.

Capt. Cantey’s Company, we are glad to learn, is much improved in health; and are happy to say have not been forgotten by their friends, the ladies—of the Camden Association. Yet, so far as we are aware, there has been no uniforms sent them from here—owing to the difficulty in getting goods suitable to make up, as the Confederate army has engaged all the mills in Virginia and North Carolina. We hope they can and will be supplied there.