Will Seek to Stop Use Norwegian Flag by Rum Ships

Washington, Nov. 12—Activities on ‘‘rum row” of vessels under the Norwegian flag, reported by the coast guard service yesterday, will be investigated by the Norwegian minister here. H. H. Bryn.

Mr. Bryn said today he would ask the American government to furnish him with the names of these ships in order that he might communicate the facts to the Norwegian foreign office.

The minister added that popular opinion In Norway, which is itself a prohibition country, would oppose the use of the Norwegian flag for smuggling liquor into the United States. He expressed confidence that the Norwegian Ship Owners’ Association would take steps to correct any such situation as pointed out in the coast guard report.

Coast Guard Boats Riddle Liquor Craft

Photo of the Helen, a rum runner, sitting low in the water after being shot up by the Coast Guard. Men on board are seizing crates of liquor.

Two Vessels Captured After Early-Morning Battle in Long Island Sound.

NEW LONDON, Conn., October 25.—Guns aboard Coast Guard vessels blazed away yesterday in a hectic battle, fought in the darkness of early morning, with two suspected rum runners.

With five craft already to their credit as the result of previous encounters earlier in the week, the Coast Guardsmen in yesterday’s engagement riddled the liquor-laden speed boat Helen of Newport with machine-gun bullets and one-pound shells and captured a second speed boat, the Pueblos of Bridgeport, believed to be a sister ship of the Helen.

Prohibition is Declared Farce

Bishop Gailor Says Youth of Country Not Immoral Because of Peppy Life and Jazz. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. May 28—National prohibition was declared a farce by Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, head of…