September 14, 1861 – Latest News

The U. S. gunboats Conestoga and Lexington, on Tuesday, attacked a rebel battery of sixteen suns, on the Missouri side of h Mississippi river, near to Lucas bend, and, after an action silenced the battery, and disabled the rebel gunboat Yankee.

Charles H. Foster, a loyal member of Congress, from North Carolina, called on President Lincoln, and tendered to him a full brigade of loyalists from that State.

The lower house of the Kentucky Legislature yesterday adopted, by ayes 71, noes 26 resolutions directing the Governor to issue his proclamation ordering the rebel troops to evacuate Kentucky. The Legislature also refused to receive a resolution directing a proclamation to be issued for the departure of both the United States and rebel troops.

September 2, 1861 – Important News from Coast of North Carolina

The Federal Fleet Attacking Two Sand Batteries—Their Capturing Six Hundred Prisoners, &c.

Capture of the Forts at Cape Hatteras inlet. Alfred Waud, artist, August 28, 1861

The steamer Louisiana, Capt. Cannon, from Old Point, arrived Sunday, A. M., and brings the following important advices from the Federal fleet, which sailed from Old Point on Monday last. The steamer Adelaide had returned from the fleet and proceeded to Annapolis on Saturday, having on board Major General Butler and fourteen wounded Confederate prisoners, bound to Washington. We understand that the entire fleet, consisting of five war vessels, surrounded and engaged two sand batteries on the beach, at the mouth of Hatteras Inlet, and after considerable firing on both sides, a shell from the frigate Minnesota, caused the explosion of the Confederates’ magazine, when the entire body, said to number six hundred, were forced to surrender, from loss of ammunition and no means of retreat. Included among those taken prisoners, was Com. Barron. They were all sent to New York.

August 17, 1861 – The Transfer—Coast Defence, Etc.

We are glad that the time when the forts, naval vessels, arsenals, arms, armaments etc., belonging to North Carolina is to be transferred to the Confederate Government, is near at hand.

That much work has been done on our coast we are willing to admit, and that we have many brave and gallant men on the Seaboard is undeniable, but still the defences are not what they ought to be, nor are the forces as numerous at some points as they should be.

June 27, 1861 – Gatlin in Charge of Coast Defenses

We see here to-day Col. Gatlin, or General Gatlin, we are not certain which, but certainly Major Gatlin, formerly of the U. S. Army. Mr. Gatlin is a native of North Carolina, graduated at West Point, with Gen. Holmes, served with him in the Federal Army, and, like his friend, has resigned from that Army and offered his services to his native section. Need we add that his offer was accepted?