Fights Dozen Men
Drink Crazed Indian Even Then Succeeds in Kicking One Man Through Windshield of Auto
Lowville, N. Y., Dec. 27.—Bootleg whiskey was the indirect cause of four hours of darkness in this village last night.
Earlier in the evening a young Indian, Paul Arlette, who is alleged to have been In a frenzied condition because of holiday potations, entered an Ice cream store in the neighboring village of Naumberg and threatening to kill all the customers with a knife. He was subdued and bound with ropes only after 12 men had joined In the fray.
88 Story Office Building May Be Built in New York
Engineers Considering the Feasibility of Plans for Structure to Outrank Woolworth Tower.
New York, Dec. 9.—New York is to have an 88-story office building outranking in height the Woolworth building, which has 61 stories, according to meager information obtainable in real estate circles.
No definite Information regarding the new building will be given the public for the present, it was said at the offices of Cass Gilbert, architect. It was admitted that the project was under consideration, although details are being withheld because negotiations for the size have not been closed.
The new mammoth structure will occupy an entire block in downtown Broadway, it is said.
October 20, 1861 – Colonel Cochrane’s Regiment
Wright Encircles Statue of Liberty

The First Aviation Day of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Is Marked by Successful Demonstrations by Both Wright and Curtiss—Dirigible Balloons Come to Grief Very Quickly.
Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 25—As the Clermont came within sight of the docks here the water in her boilers became exhausted and the engine became overheated. Her machinery was stopped, while a tug put a line aboard and towed the craft ashore.
New York, Sept. 29.—Wilbur Wright circled the great statue of Liberty at the entrance of New York harbor in his aeroplane today. while in the upper part of the city two dirigible balloons failed ingloriously in their task. This, the first day of flight of the Hudson-Fulton celebration, was a victory for the heavier-than-air machine.
Brings Fire to Water
Chauffeur Races Blazing Acid Truck to Extinguisher.
NEW YORK. September 24.—John Owen, chauffeur for the Kalbfleisch Corporation, manufacturers of chemicals at Ellzabethport, N. J., was loading his truck with muriatic acid at a North River pier today when smoke issued from one of the containers. Spontaneous combustion was at work.
Street Rowdyism
Col. Walrath Dead
100,000 in Bathing at Coney Island; Crowds Storm Pools

New York, July 3.—Terrific heat coupled with oppressive humidity, Sunday, caused several heat prostrations and drove the greater part of the city’s population to the beaches. The weather bureau reported a temperature of 91 degrees while the humidity hovered between 50 and 55.