Federal Enforcement Officer Samardick Makes a Cleaning

Federal Enforcement Officer Robert Samardick, accompanied by four assistants, traveling in two cars, drove from Omaha to O’Neill Saturday and began collecting violators of the Volstead law for whom warrants had been previously issued. At the conclusion of the raid Sunday afternoon eleven citizens were resting in the county jail and two O’Neill men and three Spencerites for whom warrants had been issued could not be located.

Arrested for Rifling Mails

Hastings, Neb., May 2 — [Special Telegram to the Bee ]— Postoffice Inspector Fredrick caused the arrest yesterday of J. R. Gatewood, postmaster at Eustis, Neb., for rifling registered and…


Valentine Democrat, Valentine, NE, January 19, 1905 Wireless for Trains The managements of the Lake Shore and the New York Central railroads have decided to install a wireless telegraph system…