How the Big Storm Affected the Flour City

From all appearances the heavy snow storm is over, and it is well for the suburban territory of Minneapolis that it is so. Another day of the heavy snowfall would make the streets impassable and block in the inhabitants. As it is the heavy drifts have packed four and five feet deep through parts of the outer wards, on both sides of the river, and the snow plows have done very little toward breaking it up. By dint of hard work the car lines were kept open and the motor trains into town did not lose a trip. The Minnehaha and Washburn home divisions were greatly delayed, but both lines were open and in good running order last night.

Meet Judge When Game Laws Broken

Warden Murphy Brings Three to Court—Iowa Fisherman Goes to Jail.

Shooting partridges before the season opens, or catching too many fish are not profitable pastimes, as various offenders found out during the past week when brought to court by J. P. Murphy, Itasca county game warden.

Mike Troppman and Harold Buckman were arrested last Friday, north of Little Riley lake, by Mr. Murphy, and charged with violating the closed season on partridges. Both pleaded guilty, and paid fines when arraigned before Judge Keo Leroux. Troppman, who was once before convicted of violating the game laws, paid a fine of $25 and costs. Buckman paid $10 and costs for his bird.