June 3, 1861 – The Cadets in Lowell
Fall River Mill Owners Expected to Capitulate

Call Conference for Monday, After Noticing Other Firms Increasing Wages.
Fall River, March 29. With the cotton manufacturers elsewhere falling Into line of wage advances set by the woolen mills the Fall River Cotton Manufacturers association today arranged a conference with the textile council on the wage question for next Monday. This action unexpected was accepted In the city generally as an indication of partial retreat by the mill owners from the position that they would shut down their plants rather than grant an increase.
Interesting Lecture in West Falmouth
Aground off Nantucket
February 5, 1861 – Commissioners to Washington
January 12, 1861 – “Hold ’Em and let ’Em Fizz, till They Fizzle Out.”
This is the suggestion of a humble private citizen as to the best mode of treating the secessionists. The expression is not elegant, nor diplomatic, but it is sensible and hits the bull’s-eye in the center. We presume that the man who used it had not a very clear idea as to the details of the process he proposed, taking only a rough and comprehensive view. But his idea is the correct one, and furnishes a good text for a brief statement of the policy that will kill out the disunion conspiracy, if anything can.