February 9, 1861 – Treatment of the Palmetto Flag
January 30, 1861 – The Position of Maryland
A letter from New York on the position of Maryland is published in the Washington Constitution of yesterday. The writer views the arguments of Governor Hicks, in refusing to convene the Legislature, and says:
Maryland is now the great trump card of the Republicans, and is being skilfully played against the more western border States, as will be seen by the numerous Northern complaints to Gov. Hicks for his patriotism, (which word sometimes means love of an office in one’s own State, ) and in the very many articles, so called, of the Herald of this city, (see this day’s issue,) done, apparently, to order, as Bennett does everything, for the laudable motive of increasing the sale of so many more copies of that ever-inconsistent, yet powerful sheet, for good or ill.
Elkton and Oxford Railroad
The Cecil Whig, Elkton, MD, January 18, 1873
Enginneer Hood and party reached Elkton last Thursday, in completing the survey and estimate of the line of the proposed railroad between Elkton and Oxford, 18 miles. The estimates are, for grading and masonry, $59,168.23; Engineering, office and incidental expenses, $10,000. Total, $69,168.23. This is the estimate for putting the road in order to receive the cross-ties and rails.
A meeting was held at the office of Hon. Hiram McCullough, and the books opened for subscriptions for stock.
This road, if built, and we hope it will be successfully pushed forward, will be a continuation in this direction of the Peach Bottom Railway, which is now under contract.