Yesterday, Gen. Scott forwarded dispatches to Gen. Butler, at Annapolis, placing the Massachusetts Sixth Regiment and other troops at his command, and giving him three days to take possession of the Relay House, at the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio and Baltimore and Washington railways, nine miles from Baltimore and thirty from Washington. Butler responded that he would hold religious services there today. The Sixth Massachusetts Regiment went up early this morning. This movement is made to co-operate with the Pennsylvania troops now advancing upon Baltimore on the other side.
Maryland is certainly coming around. The Secessionists yesterday made a bold push to get their Safety Committee business through the Senate; but they failed, and the Union men think it…
The famous “Mooseheart Concert Party,” an organization of youthful musician graduates of the Mooseheart schools in Northern Illinois, will be heard in a musical program tonight at the Circle Playhouse.…
While the good people of Washington were attending church Sunday, just across the District line at Cabin John bridge the depraved were rollicking in high carnival. The day was not propitious for a general turning out, but there was nevertheless a big crowd at the well-known resort, where everything goes. The place recalled the early western mining camps, where no distinction was made as to men and methods, and where everything was “wide open all the time.”
It was a poor commentary on the morals of the capital city to witness the scenes of depravity that were enacted almost within the shadow of the great white dome beneath which laws for the good government of mankind are made. The frequenters of the resort last Sunday were made up for the most part of the lower strata of society, yet there were others present who are well known in the business world of Washington, and there was another class, as much out of place it seemed as a rose in a swamp—young girls who came on bicycles, stopping “just for a minute” to get a drink of lemonade. The excitement of the place seemed to Intoxicate them, and they tarried, many of them to taste for the first time this new sensation of depraved society. They stay perhaps to taste their first drink of intoxicants, ending in the wild orgies that too often form a part of the program at such resorts.
The Secessionists of Baltimore having torn up the railroad track leading from the Northern Depots to the Southern Depots, the military were obliged to march through the City. On the arrival of two Regiments, one from Massachusetts and the other from Philadelphia, on the 19th instant, an attack was made upon them by a mob, with stones, brick-bats & other missiles. This drew a fire from the soldiers, discharging their pieces into the crowd, killing live or six, and wounding many others – among them several innocent spectators. Three of the Massachusetts men were killed and eight wounded. The Philadelphia Regiment was unarmed, and but few of them had left the cars when the riot commenced – some of them, however, seem to have been roughly handled. The train was ordered back, and the Regiment returning to Philadelphia early on Sunday morning.
In East Baltimore, on Sunday, great excitement was occasioned in consequence of the hoisting on the mizzen-top mast of the bark Fannie Crenshaw, lying at Chase’s wharf, lower end of Thames and Caroline streets, of the Confederate States flag at an early hour of the morning. The American says :
The fact of the flag being raised was not particularly observed for several hours after, and, on its being perceived, the Star Spangled Banner of the Union was immediately thrown to the breeze by the Captains of the barks Agnes, Mondamin, Washington, Chase, and Seaman, lying in the vicinity, from the gaff of their respective vessels.
Those of our readers who interpreted the President's Inaugural as we did, will not be surprised at the tenor of the despatches published to-day, which announce a call by the…
The Cecil Guards—Capt. J. A. J. Creswell—made their first dress parade on Saturday night, treating our citizens to a very creditable and soldierly display. The new uniforms of the corps…
The Baltimore correspondent of the New York Tribune, it seems, has visited Fort McHenry, and thus reports what he saw there to that paper: I looked in upon Fort McHenry…