January 10, 1862 – The Burnside Expedition
Annapolis, Monday Evening, Jan. 6, 1862.
To day the embarkation of the troops has been going forward. Several sad accidents have occurred, resulting in the death of several men, one of whom belonged to the Massachusetts twenty-third. While that regiment was waiting to embark, several members of Company C went to a saloon. Here Thomas Butler of that company was accidentally shot dead by one of his comrades named William Beecher, who was playfully going through the manual exercise with a gun not his own.
Baltimore Fights Big Snowstorm
Other Maryland Cities, Including Rockville, Suffer Tie-Ups

BALTIMORE, Md., January 2.—Almost complete paralysis of local transportation facilities marked the opening of Baltimore’s business hours today, due to snow which began falling last night and was continuing heavily this forenoon.
Stores, offices and manufacturing plants reported insufficient arrivals of workers to permit of even a semblance of ordinary operation.
The railroads reported no serious delays to either suburban or through trains north and south, as yet.
December 26, 1861 – From the Upper Potomac
The Rebels Try to Destroy Dam No. 6.
WILLIAMSPORT, MD., Dec. 20.—Affairs in and around this vicinity are quiet, though we expect to have an exchange of shots with the enemy at Dam No. 5 and Falling Waters. Gen. Jackson’s (rebel) battery is at the former place, including a 12-pounder rifled gun, and the enemy have been at work endeavoring to destroy tho dam there, which now seems to bo the principal object of their demonstrations. Their firing is returned by two Parrott guns belonging to Knapp’s Pennsylvania battery.
December 19, 1861 – Important From the Upper Potomac
Attempt the Rebels to Cross the River at Falling Waters—Probable Engagement.
Frederick, Dec 18—A gentleman who arrived from Williamsport late last night reports that Gen. Jackson’s rebel brigade has been largely reinforced, and is supposed to amount to 9,000 men, now at Falling Waters. At 9o’clock p m. 51 wagons belonging to the rebels were backed down to the shore, and a boat from each quietly launched into the river. Two of the boats were of large size, for the transportation of artillery. At this juncture our informant left for General Banks’ headquarters. He thinks the object of Jackson is to cross the river, make a dash on Williamsport, and secure the stores and arms there. He informed Col. Leonard of all that was transpiring, and thinks the latter has taken full precautions to prevent it by removing the stores, etc., to a more secure place, and that he also took steps to concentrate all his available force to prevent the passage of the river.
December 13, 1861 – Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
One after another the acts of the Government show their utter contempt the rights of our State. They have the railroads, and now, without any act of the loyal Legislature, at present in session, they have taken the canal. We do not see them taking the canals of Pennsylvania, New York, or Ohio, though the necessity may he quite as urgent.
November 30, 1861 – The Eastern Virginia Expedition
Confirmation of the Peaceful victory of General Lockwood—Nine Cannon Captured—Preparations for Annexation to Maryland
After passing Newtown the military force met with various obstructions in the road, consisting of the destruction of bridges and the felling of trees across the road. Some were easily marched around and others quickly removed. The first earthwork they encountered was this side of Oak Hill, prepared for four guns, hut none were mounted, and there was no force visible anywhere.
Between Oak Hill amd Drummondtown another battery was encountered, on which eight guns were mounted, but it was entirely deserted. There was also another earthwork about eight miles beyond Drummondtown, which was likewise deserted.
November 16, 1861 – Past Due Partiality
Our Camp Hoffman correspondent alludes to some slight disappointment on the part of company A., for The Whig‘s failing to notice their flag presentation. If the company had sent us an account of the affair we would have been glad to have noticed it.
November 13, 1861 – Troop Movement in Eastern Maryland
November 4, 1861 – Correspondence from the 2nd NH
Camp of 2d N. H. Reg., Hill Top,
St. Charles County, Md., Oct. 28.
Since my last letter, the 2d Regiment have made considerable change in the locality of its camp. We are now encamped about 45 miles below Washington, near the Potomac, opposite the formidable line of rebel batteries extending from Mathias Point, several miles up the river. The division here is under the command of Gen. Hooker, now acting Major Gen., and comprises Sickles’ brigade and Hooker’s Brigade, (now under command of Col. Cowdin, of the Mass. 1st,) with a formidable force of cavalry and artillery. Our regiment occupies the left of the line. We have with us Doubledays’ battery of heavy guns, with the greater portion of the defenders of Fort Sumter. Our march here was a very interesting one, to us, and we will give your readers an account of it.