Stylish and Stout Models Shown At Daylight Wednesday

Coats, dresses and suits, built especially for the stylish stout woman, were shown in a delightful array, Wednesday forenoon and afternoon at the Daylight Store, H. L. Merrill, proprietor. Two women from New York, who were true to type, under the stylish stout class, displayed the fall and winter models at the two shows to a large number of appreciative patrons.

Dresses for evening wear and yet suitable as well, for afternoon wear were shown, including some lovely creations in the new very popular chenille embroidered georgette. This delightful material gives the look of weight, without actually supplying it. One lovely dress of this material, was in a deep rose color and its sole ornament was a gold cloth lined bow at the front left hip. Another dress was in a rich shade of blue, also made on simple lines.

A black canton crepe dress was made over a lanvin green slip. The skirt, slit well up the front, was heavily covered in cut steel beads. Chinese embroidery in all the fall shades, adorned a plain coat dress of dark blue. Another lovely dress was all gray chenille embroidered georgette. The long simple design but added slimness of effect.

Dyed squirrel trimmed the collar, the cuffs and the bottom of a cocoa brown suede cloth coat. The upper bottom of the coat was finished in scallops which hung almost down to the fur trimmed bottom. The effect was unusual.

A square neck line was featured in a dark brown cloth dress. Rows of pin tucks, two clusters of them, graced the front of the dress, from neck line to skirt hem. A single cluster of the tucks, wider, were found on the back of the dress. Tiny sliver buckles kept the narrow belt at the normal waistline, in place.

Seal collar and cuffs trimmed another good looking brown coat. Embroidery of the same shade of brown, extended from the back shoulder line to the bottom of the coat.

The hats which the models wore were loaned from the Gregoire & Pellegrini millinery store. One was a dark brown, high crowned model. Around its crown were cut felt many petalled flowers in a lighter shade of brown.

A black hat of the Directoire period was trimmed with black moire ribbon around the crown and a huge silver buckle, right in front. Tailored ribbon wings trimmed another black Directoire. A cut steel buckle also added to its adornment.

The Spanish sailor, trimmed with scarf as worn with an effective costume. With the hat was another scarf which was a replica of the hat’s trimming. It was a very striking addition to the costume.

Daily Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME, October 9, 1924

Local Boys Return from Service

postcard showing ruined buildings, titled "The School and Belleau Woods"

Arthur Kief and John Shea, recently returned from overseas service, have received their honorable discharge, and arrived home yesterday. Kief wears a wound stripe. At Chateau Thierry, on July 18, in the battle of the Marne, he was blown up by a high explosive shell, and laid for thirty-six hours unconscious in the shell hole where he fell, supposed to be dead. It was a week later that he regained consciousness in a hospital. He spent seven months in different hospitals, and when be returned to his company in January last, the fighting was over.

Old map of the state of Maine

A New County

On Friday the House of Representatives went into committee of the whole, Dr. Parker in the chair, on the subject of establishing a new county, composed of the towns in…