Mercury Hangs Low Throughout Wild Snowstorm
Following the record low temperature of Monday morning, the mercury dropped rapidly again Monday evening until at midnight the thermometer registered 10 degrees below zero. In the early morning hours of Tuesday however, there was some moderation of the temperature and at 6 o’clock yesterday morning the average reported in Augusta was 6 to 8 degrees below zero.
Snow began falling about 10 o’clock Tuesday morning and continued throughout the day with increasing intensity in the afternoon and evening. With the low temperature, the storm, which was driven by a bitter wind from the northeast, made it particularly disagreeable for all who had occasion to venture forth.
Santa Claus Really Coming to Gardiner
Dedicate Maine’s War Memorial at Kittery Today
Maine’s tribute to her soldiers and sailors, the memorial at Kittery will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies today. Armistice day, and the occasion will bring crowds from all sections of the state as well as a large number of visitors from her neighbor state, New Hampshire. Former governors, representatives in congress and persons distinguished in civilian and military life will be the guests of honor at the exercises.
The memorial park at the end of the new inter-state bridge, the gateway into Maine, is about 200 feet wide and 600 feet long. The beautiful design for the memorial tablet, which will be erected in the park, is being prepared by Miss Baska Paeff, the young Boston sculptress, whose drawing won in competition with prominent sculptors from Washington, New York and other cities.
Install Automatic Safety Signals
Automatic safety signals are being Installed on the Sand Hill and Brick Yard crossings on the Maine Central Railroad in Winslow. Several months ago hearings were held at the Winslow town hall relative to making these crossings safer and the decision rendered was to Install two electric safety signals at the Sand Hill crossing and one signal at the Brick Yard crossing which is on Bay street.
Stylish and Stout Models Shown At Daylight Wednesday
Coats, dresses and suits, built especially for the stylish stout woman, were shown in a delightful array, Wednesday forenoon and afternoon at the Daylight Store, H. L. Merrill, proprietor. Two women from New York, who were true to type, under the stylish stout class, displayed the fall and winter models at the two shows to a large number of appreciative patrons.
Dresses for evening wear and yet suitable as well, for afternoon wear were shown, including some lovely creations in the new very popular chenille embroidered georgette. This delightful material gives the look of weight, without actually supplying it. One lovely dress of this material, was in a deep rose color and its sole ornament was a gold cloth lined bow at the front left hip. Another dress was in a rich shade of blue, also made on simple lines.
Local Boys Return from Service

Arthur Kief and John Shea, recently returned from overseas service, have received their honorable discharge, and arrived home yesterday. Kief wears a wound stripe. At Chateau Thierry, on July 18, in the battle of the Marne, he was blown up by a high explosive shell, and laid for thirty-six hours unconscious in the shell hole where he fell, supposed to be dead. It was a week later that he regained consciousness in a hospital. He spent seven months in different hospitals, and when be returned to his company in January last, the fighting was over.