Italian Employers Told Whom to Hire

Turin, Italy.—Employers in this vicinity object to Mussolini’s rule that they must apply to the Fascisti labor bureaus when seeking workers.

Mussolini orders that members of the Fascist party and Fascist unions be given preference in employment. This rule is intended to drive workers into the Fascist unions.

Fascist Absolutism in Italy

The progress of Fascismo toward a veritable religion was illustrated some months ago when Mussolini wrote in the preface of the published resolutions of the Grand Council of Facismo that this is “the book of our faith;” the “infallible compass of their every activity.” Facismo, he declares, “has buried forever” the old liberal democratic regime and erected the glorious edifice of Facismo in its stead.

The fasces of the lictor, the party symbol of the Fascisti, has been placed on the national flag beside the royal arms, as it has for months stood over government buildings. So sacred is Facismo that an Italian who speaks disrespectfully of it even in a foreign country is liable to severe punishment if he falls into the clutches of the supporters of Mussolini. Some weeks ago an Italian who had spoken against Fascism in America was, on returning to Italy, sentenced to twelve years and a half imprisonment, with three years special police supervision afterwards.

The Fascist Aristocracy

The autocracy of Mussolini moves along unimpeded on the enthusiastic support of the Italian masses. The women, who were given the vote in municipal elections some months ago, find the right amounting to nothing, as the local governments for which they were to vote are now appointed by Mussolini.

The abolition of popular elections has raised the question of providing properly trained administrators for the dictatorship. Fascist intellectuals propose a special training school for a governmental aristocracy, to which youths shall be sent who have been adjudged by the Duce from among candidates-suggested by the officers of the Fascist militia to be of proper character to exercise authority as he may see fit to permit to others besides himself. By this method of “investure from above” it is hoped to make eternal the blessing of a people’s forgetting to govern itself. These future masters of the state are to be instructed in “the analysis of political phenomena, the science of organization, and Roman and Italian history with special attention to the dictatorial periods,” and are to be tried in minor administrative posts.

Il Duce Roars Defiance to the World

Duce Tells His Troops to Be Ready for Instant Call to Arms.


Sends Warships Speeding to ‘Maneuvers’ at Suez Canal.

By United Press

WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY, BOLANZO, Aug. 31.—Italy’s reply to threats of the world will be to bring to the highest decree of power all the armed forces of the nation, Benito Mussolini roared to 140,000 soldiers of his maneuvering army today.

“The world must know once again that while there is talk so absurd and provocative of penalties (sanctions), we will not give up a single soldier, a single sailor, a single aviator,” Il Duce cried to his men.

He spoke from the heights of Mt. Ronzone, with the soldiers ranged along the slopes of the hill. King Victor Emmanuel stood by his side.