Hitler Rules as New German Chancellor

Fiery Leader of Fascists Comes Into Power as Head of Cabinet.


Forming of Government to Succeed Von Schleicher Is Surprise.

By Frederick Kuh

United Press Staff Correspondent

BERLIN, Jan. 30.—Adolf Hitler, fiery leader of the German Fascists, came into political power in Germany today when he assumed the chancellorship in a new German cabinet.

Hitler, whose political rise as chief of the Nazis has been one of the amazing developments of post-war politics, abandoned the “all or nothing” policy he had held toward participating in the government. He accepted Franz von Papen as his vice-chancellor and reich’s commissioner for Prussia.

Hitler’s formation of a new government to succeed that of General Kurt von Schleicher took Berlin completely by surprise.

Il Duce Roars Defiance to the World

Duce Tells His Troops to Be Ready for Instant Call to Arms.


Sends Warships Speeding to ‘Maneuvers’ at Suez Canal.

By United Press

WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY, BOLANZO, Aug. 31.—Italy’s reply to threats of the world will be to bring to the highest decree of power all the armed forces of the nation, Benito Mussolini roared to 140,000 soldiers of his maneuvering army today.

“The world must know once again that while there is talk so absurd and provocative of penalties (sanctions), we will not give up a single soldier, a single sailor, a single aviator,” Il Duce cried to his men.

He spoke from the heights of Mt. Ronzone, with the soldiers ranged along the slopes of the hill. King Victor Emmanuel stood by his side.