Convict Conceals Himself Under Hot Ashes and Escapes

Endures Tortures of Scorching Bed Until Truck Passes the Prison Gates Convict Commandeers Automobile


John Campbell Under Heavy Sentence for Robbery Makes Thrilling Escape from Eastern Penitentiary

Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 9.—Suffering great pain as he was hidden underneath a pile of hot ashes on a five ton motor truck belonging to the Eastern penitentiary, John Campbell, a convict at the prison, remained silent until the truck had passed the prison gates and was a block away, then jumped from the scorching bed and made his escape in an automobile driven by one of the prison attendants.

As Campbell leaped on the running board of the prison sedan, which was driven by Charles Krout (white), the prison guard chauffeur, he pressed his pistol against Krout’s head and commanded him to drive away at his maximum speed.

Hold “Conny, the Rat” in Shooting of Boston Policemen

Boston, Dec. 1—Cornelius Moriarty, known in Boston’s South End district, the police said, as “Conny, the Rat,” was booked at police headquarters shortly before midnight tonight on a warrant charging him with assault with a dangerous weapon on a police officer in performance of his duties, in connection with the shooting last Saturday night of Patrolmen Thomas K. McCabe and Joseph F. Condon. Both officers are still on the danger list in a hospital here as a result of bullet wounds received following a holdup in the Back Bay district.

Picked up in the police dragnet after several witnesses had said that pictures of him resembled the man who shot down the two officers and then forced a taxi driver at gun point to drive hint away. Moriarty tonight denied any connection with the crime.

“I didn’t shoot those cops,” he told the Inspector who arrested him, and a moment later said, the detective asserted, “If I’d known you were out to get me it would be you and I all over the street and it would be you going to the station house.”

Rifle Sequel to Dog Fight

Photo. in an old saloon

Bullet Missed Mark

Passed Through McGregor’s Arm — Barber Next Door Had a Narrow Escape.

Duncan McGregor’s pet bull dog almost cost his master’s life this morning at the hands of Freeman Quinn. Quinn shot at McGregor with a Winchester rifle at uncomfortably close range. The bullet that was intended for McGregor passed through the sleeve of his jacket, cutting several holes in the garment, but McGregor was uninjured.

The shooting occurred in McGregor’s saloon, at the corner of Mercury and Montana street. The place is quiet, traffic does not block the streets of the locality incidents of moment are unusual, and the bonnie Highland soldiers in the pictures that adorn the walls must have been astonished at what happened to disturb their peace and quiet and to remind them of tented field and fierce foray.

The Notorious Nancy E. Clem

Indianapolis, Ind., April 6. — The notorious Nancy E. Clem, now confined in the Female Reformatory, whence she will be released in June, will contest the application for divorce, made…

Smith the Cuttist

At 1 o’clock last night, while some ladles and gentlemen were sitting in the front room of the house №61 Hospital street, a man named C. W. Smith broke in…

The Great Whisky Case

We reported, yesterday morning, the great whisky case at St. Louis. The Assistant District Attorney said : The Nimrod Johnson distillery, at Gretna, where it was claimed the whisky was…

Baltimore City Intelligence

RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. — On Thursday night one of the through freight trains on the Northern Central Railroad was thrown from the track near the Gunpowder bridge, about seventeen miles from…