News From the Ocean and Water Front

Illustration of the Marion and Philippine after the collision

Naval Reserve Steamer Marion and Schooner Philippine in Collision

No Damage Was Done, but the Tugs Governor Markham and Redmond Had to Separate the Vessels

The Naval Reserve steamer Marion and the schooner Philippine met in collision yesterday morning. The Robert Lewers was also in the mix-up, but luckily no harm was done and none of the vessels lost more than a little paint.

The Philippine and Robert Lewers arrived from Hawaii last Tuesday and anchored oft Folsom-street wharf. The Marion came back from a short cruise outside the heads last Sunday and also anchored off the transport wharf. Unfortunately the Naval Reserve boat was anchored In the fairway and Wednesday Captain James was notified by Chief Wharfinger Henderson to move her. Without waiting for the officer of the day to put In an appearance the boatswain attempted to move the ship himself, and all the resulting trouble followed.

Shade Level Epic: Unlocked

The San Francisco Bulletin contains an article headed “Our Moral Ruins.” The best evidence of the ruin of all morality in San Francisco, is the fact that the Bulletin still…
Photograph of Boxer soldiers

Boxers Slay and Mutilate

Overcome a Party of British and Japanese Soldiers. Not always do the expeditions of the allies against the Boxers meet success, for according to advices received by the Empress of…
USS Maine entering Havanna Harbor

Intervention is Imminent

The Herald, Los Angeles, CA, January 13, 1898

Anti-Liberal Rioting at Havana Forces President McKinley to Order Cruisers to the Front — The Crisis Is Reached

HAVANA, Jan. 12. — Via Key West, Jan. 12 — (Special to The Herald.) The long anticipated anti-liberal outbreak took place here this morning. It took the form of an attack by army and volunteer officers and the ultra-Spanish element upon the leading liberal newspaper offices, crying “Down with autonomy!”

El Reconcentrado was first visited and wrecked.

The office of La Discuscion, which is situated next door to the Hotel Inglatera, and above which the New York Journal bureau is located, was next attacked and gutted. Amid cries of “Down with autonomy” were heard cheers for Spain and counter cries for annexation.

The demonstration and attack being headed by army officers in uniform, the police, mounted and unmounted, made no attempt to interfere and all calls by telephone to the palace and military governor for assistance to protect the properties were unanswered.

San Francisco Items

Sacramento Daily Record-Union, January 3, 1883 New Year’s Day along the city front was exceedingly dull, although during the early morning hours it was somewhat lively for the shipping, some…