Green Denounces Fascist Activity in Trade Unions

A. F. of L. Head Calls on Workers to Actively Fight Fascism as Menace to Democracy and Organized Labor.

Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Fascist activity in local unions of the dressmaking industry in New York city was scored by President William Green, of the American Federation of Labor, in vigorously denouncing Fascist propaganda in the trade union movement.

“The American Federation of Labor,” Mr. Green said, “regards Fascism and the Fascist philosophy as equally menacing and dangerous to the maintenance of democracy and democratic institutions as communism. Both Fascism and communism rest upon the basis of dictatorship. For this reason the American Federation of Labor is concerned over the activities of Fascist representatives in New York and elsewhere.

Il Duce Roars Defiance to the World

Duce Tells His Troops to Be Ready for Instant Call to Arms.


Sends Warships Speeding to ‘Maneuvers’ at Suez Canal.

By United Press

WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY, BOLANZO, Aug. 31.—Italy’s reply to threats of the world will be to bring to the highest decree of power all the armed forces of the nation, Benito Mussolini roared to 140,000 soldiers of his maneuvering army today.

“The world must know once again that while there is talk so absurd and provocative of penalties (sanctions), we will not give up a single soldier, a single sailor, a single aviator,” Il Duce cried to his men.

He spoke from the heights of Mt. Ronzone, with the soldiers ranged along the slopes of the hill. King Victor Emmanuel stood by his side.