Fascist Absolutism in Italy

The progress of Fascismo toward a veritable religion was illustrated some months ago when Mussolini wrote in the preface of the published resolutions of the Grand Council of Facismo that this is “the book of our faith;” the “infallible compass of their every activity.” Facismo, he declares, “has buried forever” the old liberal democratic regime and erected the glorious edifice of Facismo in its stead.

The fasces of the lictor, the party symbol of the Fascisti, has been placed on the national flag beside the royal arms, as it has for months stood over government buildings. So sacred is Facismo that an Italian who speaks disrespectfully of it even in a foreign country is liable to severe punishment if he falls into the clutches of the supporters of Mussolini. Some weeks ago an Italian who had spoken against Fascism in America was, on returning to Italy, sentenced to twelve years and a half imprisonment, with three years special police supervision afterwards.

Planes Still Lost as Ships Intensify Search of Pacific

$40,000 Rewards Offered for Recovery of Miss Doran and Golden Eagle


Fruitless Quest Continued Throughout Day and Night by Radio, Fleet and Aircraft

Dole Air Race Additional Information: Buhl Air Sedan ""Miss Doran"" NX2915 Tags: Dole Air Race, Buhl Air Sedan ""Miss Doran"" NX2915 Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive

SAN FRANCISCO, August 19.—The Pacific Ocean today was the scene of a renewed search for a brown-eyed girl of 22 and four men, missing flyers in the aerial derby to Honolulu, who may still be afloat upon its limitless leagues.

Mildred Doran, pretty school teacher of Flint. Mich., and her pilot and navigator, John A. Pedlar and Vilas R. Knope, had been down approximately 48 hours, according to the most hopeful estimates of the cruising radius of the biplane in which they set out Tuesday noon in the Dole $35,000 flight from Oakland to Honolulu. The time limit set by the builder of the plane on its ability to withstand the buffeting of the seas was only 24 hours.

4,000-Mile Bike Race is Captured by Frantz

Nicholas Frantz, winner of the 1927 Tour de France

PARIS, July 18 (AP).—Nicolas Frantz of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg today won the annual longest bicycle road race of the world, covering 4,000 miles, which started June 19.

The race is called “tour de France,” and skirts the entire frontier and coast boundaries of the country.