Alaska Reindeer Meat Served in Florida Cafe
Railroad to Serve Reindeer Meat in Every Department

In all probability from 60,000 to 75,000 pounds of reindeer meat will be contracted for by the Alaska Railroad this summer and will be served on the river steamers, the Curry Hotel and dining cars of the Alaska Railroad, according to information obtained by the Anchorage Daily Alaskan.
For the purpose of locating suitable sites for corrals in the Broad Pass district, Louis Jensen, a former partner of Oscar Anderson, in the meat business in the early days, left Anchorage fully a week ago.
It is stated there are sufficient cold storage facilities along the railroad belt, to take care of the present needs of the new industry. Nenana has a fairly good sized plant besides a cold storage plant in Anchorage and there are two other private plants in the city.
French Aviator Is Now at Agra, India

PARIS, May 3.—France’s effort to win long distance supremacy in the air advanced another lap today when Lieut. Pelletier d’Oisy arrived at Agra, British India, from Karachi at 1:30 p. m, according to advices to the air ministry.
D’Oisy is attempting a flight from France to Japan in record time.
How Chaplin Learns
Flames Endanger Cape Cod Forests
Sunset at Egyptian Resort Brings Greater Activity

By Karl K. Kitchen
You can tell how long any one has been in Luxor by the spot where he takes tea on the terrace of the Winter Palace Hotel. A new arrival invariably hugs the edge to get an unobstructed view of the Nile. The visitor who has been there several days is content to sit farther back, while the winter resident prefers to take his tea in the garden on the other side of the hotel, or if he happens to be an American, to replace tannic acid with cocktails at the bar.
The tea hour is “the” hour in Luxor. It is then, that the hotels—of which the Winter Palace is the most important—are at their liveliest. All the tourists are back from their excursions to the Valley of the Tombs the Kings, Medinet Abu, Karnak and the other glories of the past, and tea is not only an appropriate social function but a welcome stimulant after a tiring day in the broiling sun.
The Winter Palace is the rendezvous for all the foreign colony of Luxor at this hour. On its spacious terrace, which flanks the Nile for the entire length of the hotel, or in its beautiful gardens are to be found the most famous travelers, the greatest Egyptologists and archeologists and world celebrities who have come to Luxor to pay homage to King Tut.