Fights Dozen Men

Drink Crazed Indian Even Then Succeeds in Kicking One Man Through Windshield of Auto

Lowville, N. Y., Dec. 27.—Bootleg whiskey was the indirect cause of four hours of darkness in this village last night.

Earlier in the evening a young Indian, Paul Arlette, who is alleged to have been In a frenzied condition because of holiday potations, entered an Ice cream store in the neighboring village of Naumberg and threatening to kill all the customers with a knife. He was subdued and bound with ropes only after 12 men had joined In the fray.

Coolidges Take Part in Christmas Eve Ceremonies

Washington, Dec. 24—The angels’ song at Bethlehem was carolled tonight from the White House to a nation at peace with the world and with good will toward men.

The chief executive of the nation and the first lady of the land joined with a white-vested choir and with thousands who thronged tho White House grounds in observance of another Christmas.

Fight Over Lingerie May End in Death

A battle over a pair of silk bloomers and the mistaking of a uniformed bus driver for a police officer may cost the life of Harriet Wallace, 24, a saleswoman, living at 605 Van Buren St.

The woman leaped from the third floor of apartment 25, 229 Van Buren St., Wednesday, 3:30 a. m., landing on a picket fence 30 feet below. Physicians in Emergency hospital stated she had suffered a fractured leg, a broken nose, numerous contusions and abrasions and possible internal injuries and pronounced her condition grave at noon Wednesday.

A report at police headquarters tells the following story:

Police Locate Young Blonde in Green Case

Ruby Ochs, vivacious blonde who, the police claim, won the affections of Clarence F. Green, youthful aviator, salesman, alleged swindler and fugitive from justice, has been located in Toledo, O., and will be questioned by the police, the district attorney announced Wednesday.

In the meantime, the wife of the much-sought man left her home on Martha Washington court, Washington Highlands, Tuesday night, for the first time, and during a visit to the district attorney’s office announced that she was “through” with the husband who had retained her affections and support through a previous escapade in which he forged $20,000 worth of mortgages at Madison, four years ago. It was mainly due to her efforts that Green was released after serving but one year of the three-year sentence for that offense.

88 Story Office Building May Be Built in New York

Engineers Considering the Feasibility of Plans for Structure to Outrank Woolworth Tower.

New York, Dec. 9.—New York is to have an 88-story office building outranking in height the Woolworth building, which has 61 stories, according to meager information obtainable in real estate circles.

No definite Information regarding the new building will be given the public for the present, it was said at the offices of Cass Gilbert, architect. It was admitted that the project was under consideration, although details are being withheld because negotiations for the size have not been closed.

The new mammoth structure will occupy an entire block in downtown Broadway, it is said.

Hold “Conny, the Rat” in Shooting of Boston Policemen

Boston, Dec. 1—Cornelius Moriarty, known in Boston’s South End district, the police said, as “Conny, the Rat,” was booked at police headquarters shortly before midnight tonight on a warrant charging him with assault with a dangerous weapon on a police officer in performance of his duties, in connection with the shooting last Saturday night of Patrolmen Thomas K. McCabe and Joseph F. Condon. Both officers are still on the danger list in a hospital here as a result of bullet wounds received following a holdup in the Back Bay district.

Picked up in the police dragnet after several witnesses had said that pictures of him resembled the man who shot down the two officers and then forced a taxi driver at gun point to drive hint away. Moriarty tonight denied any connection with the crime.

“I didn’t shoot those cops,” he told the Inspector who arrested him, and a moment later said, the detective asserted, “If I’d known you were out to get me it would be you and I all over the street and it would be you going to the station house.”

Will Seek to Stop Use Norwegian Flag by Rum Ships

Washington, Nov. 12—Activities on ‘‘rum row” of vessels under the Norwegian flag, reported by the coast guard service yesterday, will be investigated by the Norwegian minister here. H. H. Bryn.

Mr. Bryn said today he would ask the American government to furnish him with the names of these ships in order that he might communicate the facts to the Norwegian foreign office.

The minister added that popular opinion In Norway, which is itself a prohibition country, would oppose the use of the Norwegian flag for smuggling liquor into the United States. He expressed confidence that the Norwegian Ship Owners’ Association would take steps to correct any such situation as pointed out in the coast guard report.

Dedicate Maine’s War Memorial at Kittery Today

Maine’s tribute to her soldiers and sailors, the memorial at Kittery will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies today. Armistice day, and the occasion will bring crowds from all sections of the state as well as a large number of visitors from her neighbor state, New Hampshire. Former governors, representatives in congress and persons distinguished in civilian and military life will be the guests of honor at the exercises.

The memorial park at the end of the new inter-state bridge, the gateway into Maine, is about 200 feet wide and 600 feet long. The beautiful design for the memorial tablet, which will be erected in the park, is being prepared by Miss Baska Paeff, the young Boston sculptress, whose drawing won in competition with prominent sculptors from Washington, New York and other cities.