Entertainment for Children at Seashore Home

Children's Seaside House boardwalk. Photo: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia.

Last Saturday two hundred and fifty crippled children of the Seashore Home listened with delight to the songs sung by Miss Louise Mack, of the Beaux Arts Cafe. The choruses of “Old Fashioned Girl” and “Three O’clock in the Morning” were favorites selected by the kiddies. Mrs. Rennie Cormack, of New York, played delightfully on the piano, Mira. Cormack also played and sang, as did Mr. F. Collis Wildman. Miss Suzanne Sackett made the arrangements.

Seven Killed, Scored Hurt in P. & R. Express Wreck Near Atlantic City

Express Train Plunges Over High Embankment After Running into Open Switch

ATLANTIC CITY, July 3.—An open switch sent seven persons to their death and resulted in injury to about 75 others, about half of them seriously, when the Camden-Atlantic City night express on the Philadelphia Reading railroad running at full speed, left the rails on a curve at Winslow Junction and rolled down an embankment. The dead and injured were from South Jersey, Philadelphia and vicinity. Nearly all of the injured were removed to this city.

John F. Walt, an operator who has been in the service of the company for twenty-four years, is in a state of collapse in his home at Hammonton, N. J. He is under the surveillance of the state police. The engineer of the express, Walter Westcott, is dead. He was killed instantly.

Prohibition is Declared Farce

Bishop Gailor Says Youth of Country Not Immoral Because of Peppy Life and Jazz. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. May 28—National prohibition was declared a farce by Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, head of…

Boys Vamped by Flappers, Parents Cry

Girls Blamed for Snuggle Pupping and Petting Parties Nowadays

CHICAGO, March 11 — Parents of the male flapper are holding indignation meetings throughout Chicago to protect against vamping of their poor defenseless sons by sweet young things still in their ‘teens.

How to curb petting parties, the popular pastime of the younger generation everywhere it seems, occupied most of the discussion at the convention of social hygiene associations, at which were represented the Chicago Woman’s club, the Woman’s City club, the Parent Teachers’ club, and other prominent women’s organizations.