Dramatic Scene Marks First Day Of Murder Trial

TOMBSTONE. Ariz, Aug. 16. The first day of the trial of James Haverty, charged with murdering his brother, Richard, on April 21, came to a sensational close this evening when Mrs. Richard Haverty rushed at the man accused of slaying her husband, vigorously slapped his face, and then collapsed in the arms of friends. The incident occurred as Haverty was leaving the court room.

James Haverty is charged, with having shot his brother following an exchange of words near Ramsey Canyon about 40 miles east of here. The Haverty brothers were tor many years well known cattlemen in south eastern Arizona.

Thrilling Scenes for Picture Made

Molly O movie poster

Mack Sennett Cameramen Make Film of Parachute Jump from Blimp

Several thrilling scenes for the Mack Sennett picture Mollie-O were made by cameramen at the naval air station yesterday. The hero of the picture climbed on a swinging rope ladder from one blimp down to another one and then leaped from the second blimp in a parachute.

Marseilles-Algiers Airship Service

It is reported that a French syndicate is now preparing to organize an oversea airship service between Marseilles and Algiers and contemplate employing on this line three of the surrendered…

Basketball News

The Maui News, Wailuku, HI, April 8, 1921 Brother Elmer’s Saints, interscholastic champions, proved too fast for the Hilo basketball tossers last week, winning two out of three games played…

Find New Use for Sweet Potato

Americus, Ga., Feb. 28. Government experts investigating the possibilities of developing a sugar and syrup crop out of sweet potatoes are considering locating an experiment station here. Funds for the…

Mystery of Lost Cyclops Probably Cleared at Last

Former Navigating Officer of U. S. Collier, Who Went Over Her Course Later, Convinced She Broke in Two Under Strain of Badly Stowed Cargo, Passed Buoy He Believed Hers.

New York—In an Interview given to The World, Lieut. James M. Hays who was navigating officer of the navy collier Cyclops until a few days before she put to sea on a voyage from which she never returned, said that when he went on the collier Orion over the Cyclops‘s course he learned enough from floating objects and Inquiries made in Brazilian ports to satisfy himself as to the fate of the missing collier and her crew.

From the bridge of the Orion, on which h also was navigating officer, he saw a buoy and what appeared to be a life-raft such as the Cyclops carried. The buoy was in latitude 15.31 north and longitude 58.27 west, or about 150 miles northeast of Bermuda.

One of the Battleships in the Tyne (photograph; silver gelatin print)

Daniels Believes in Limiting Navy

Pensacola Journal, Pensacola, FL, January 12, 1921 America Must Have Strongest Unless All Disarm, Secretary Asserts WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The present time was described as ripe for a movement toward…