Aviator Smith in Accident
Fishing Season Opened Today for all Hook and Line Fish Except Black Bass
Fishing season opened today for all hook and line fish except black bass, the season for which opens on June 15, and with the opening of the season comes information from Game Warden John Cline regarding the regulations governing fishing and the limit number for a catch.
Sultan to Lose Half of Empire
Big Three at San Remo Place Blame for Delay on United States

Await Note from Wilson—To Liberate Millions From Ottoman Yoke and Internationalize Constantinople
San Remo, April 19. — While the inter-allied supreme council here will unquestionably send a strong note to Germany, putting the allies on record as harmoniously demanding and insisting upon her disarmament and threaten a virtual blockade if the Versailles terms are not lived up to, this will be followed by a radical revision of the whole peace treaty, involvlng liberal concessions to Germany. A compromise will be finally drafted with regard to the Ruhr region, and both France and Germany will be satisfied.
At the end of the first day of its deliberations, the council drafted a reply to President Wilson’s recent note on the Turkish peace treaty to contain clauses of which tho President had objected.
Motoring Accidents
The Carpatho-Russians
The New York Herald, New York, NY, January 5, 1920
To the Editor of the Herald : —
There is considerable confusion concerning the term “Carpatho-Russians,” and the facts are often still more beclouded by newspaper articles which put the Ukrainians and Carpatho-Russians together. Such an article appeared in the Herald on December 29, under the caption “Ukraine Congress Here to Protest Polish Mandate.”
In the first place, there is no such nation, race, language, country or religion known as Carpatho-Russian. The Carpatho-Russians are an insignificant political party — nothing more. Ever since East Galicia, peopled by Ukrainians formerly unwilling subjects of the Russian Empire, became a part of the Austrian Empire, the Russian Tsar sought to win the territory back to his domain. He sent into East Galicia many agents, some political, some of them Russian Orthodox priests, to try to convert the people into Russophiles. These Russian Tsarist agents, together with the few converts they made, were the Carpatho-Russians. In race and language they are Ukrainians; in religion and politics they are Russian. Out of a total Ukrainian population of more than four million in East Galicia the Carpatho-Russian party numbers less than fifty thousand.