No Sign of Missing Submarine “A 7” Which Sank of England


Plymouth. Eng., Jan. 18—A dozen torpedo boat destroyers and minesweepers plied up and down Whitesand bay from early morning today until darkness set in, but failed to locate the submarine “A-7” which sank during maneuvers Friday.

Plymouth, Eng., Jan. 18.—An all-day search by a fleet of torpedo boats, to which were attached cables to sweep the bottom of Whitesand bay, failed to locate the sunken British submarine A-7. When darkness fell Saturday the commanding officers reluctantly ordered the vessels to return to their moorings.

To Oppose Seizure of Oil Tanker

Washington Will Protest British Captors of American Steamer on High Seas

SS Brindilla - First war prize brought to Halifax
SS Brindilla – First war prize brought to Halifax

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. —Intention of the administration vigorously to oppose seizure of the Standard Oil tanker Brindilla at Halifax by the British converted cruiser Caronia, but to leave the question of the Brindilla‘s alleged contraband cargo to the admiralty court for decision, was evidenced here today.

Our Liquorless Navy

Rum ration

There may be an honest difference of opinion regarding the utility and morality of the army canteen which is now no more, but the same arguments which were made against the abolition of the canteen cannot be made against the order of the secretary of the navy, abolishing wines and liquors from the officers’ mess, on shipboard or on naval reservations.

It was to be said in favor of the canteen that it stood in the way of the disgraceful dives which now hang like a dirty fringe just outside of and around our military reservations. To a large extent the canteen removed the enlisted man from the temptations which now allure him.