New Search for a North Polar Continent

Map showing the two Arctic routes of the eexpeditions.
Two Great Expeditions Go Forth in Search of Crocker Land, the Mysterious Arctic Continent Described by Peary. Canada is Backing Stefansson, Who Has Sailed from Nome. New York Scientific Institutions Are Behind McMillan.

While there are deeds of daring to be done men will be found to do them. Captain Scott’s terrible story of his hardships, privations and finally his tragic death are still fresh in the minds of all, but it in no way deters others from following his noble example. The North Pole was discovered by Peary in 1906, but science is not yet satisfied. Peary reported that he sighted land and that, in his opinion, there was an Arctic continent. What is this continent made of? Are there any inhabitants? If so, what are their language and customs? What are the fauna and flora of this unknown region? Two men are heading expeditions at present with the purpose of answering these questions and are willingly risking their lives and those of many others to satisfy the demands of science. And these two men are Vilhjalmar Stefansson and Donald McMillan.

Theatre Proprietor Fined for Allowing Minors to Attend

Photograph of the Bijou Theatre, Perth Amboy, NJ, circa pre 1913. It shows 6 men and one youth standing in front of the building.

The much questioned practice of admitting minors with adult strangers to theatres came up for a test before Recorder Pickersgill at 7 o’clock last night, when Morris Streiff was fined $15 for admitting six little boys to his motion picture theatre at 189 Hall avenue. The law permits that children under age may be admitted to theatres when accompanied by “parent, guardian or adult friend,” but Recorder Pickersgill contends Streiff did not have the right to permit a man to take in six boys whom he met outside of the amusement place, even as an adult friend.

“Antiques” Made to Order

Header for the article, featuring forged examples of a canopic jar, scarab, and figurings of a cat, dove, and fisherman in a boat.

The fabrication of forged antiquities has become one of the most profitable industries of modern Egypt. Every year more and more wealthy American and European tourists go to the sunny and salubrious land of the Pharaohs. Practically every one of these tourists wishes to take away some relic of the ancient Pharaohs as a souvenir. To supply this demand the modern Egyptians are working night and day making very attractive articles in the ancient style. The Egyptian law now requires that every person finding antiquities shall report the fact to the government, which reserves the right to purchase them. This law really favors the antiquity forgers, for they represent to their customers that they are offering them contraband goods, which offer usually has the effect of whetting the appetite to buy.

Hobos Should Unionize

The hobos should form a union for mutual protection against that class of "gay cats" who are continually spoiling a good thing. In days past, any gook with a hunger…

News by Wire

Twenty-nine more cases of smallpox were reported to the authorities in Sydney yesterday. Fortunately, they continue to be of a mild type, and hopes are expressed that the outbreak will…