Unlaid Ghost of Tar Delays Ship

Mates Won’t Sail on the Annie Smith With Steve Jackson’s Wraith Roaming Decks.
And Worse Still, Two Black Cats perched on the Spirit’s Form, So the Commander of the Barkentine Was Unable to Put to Sea.
New, York.—It was not exactly the fault of Capt. Frederick Foote that the Annie Smith, as trim a little barkentine as you can see in any port, did not sail the other day for Brazilian ports. Nor was it the fault of Edwin Moore, the mate negro that of Steve Jackson, a negro seaman, lately deceased. The blame really belonged to the ghost of the said Steve Jackson.
The Annie Smith, with her general cargo stowed away, her clearance papers signed, her sails ready to he set, was unable to cast off, because Captain Foote could find no mate to sail in her.
And if you speak to Captain Foote and your conscience and your constitution can weather oaths that will make your hair stand on end, you will learn that when Steve Jackson slipped his cable with a knife stuck in between his ribs, he carelessly allowed his ghost to roam at random on the Annie Smith.