A Few Notes From Egypt

Nile at Luxor. Black and white photo showing a sailing boat on the river.
Nile at Luxor. Photo: Mohamed Amine ABASSI, https://www.flickr.com/photos/78459980@N03/14192228773

Life Is Still Gay in Luxor and the Titled Visitors Are Many

Luxor, Upper Egypt—The golden sunshine and balmy breezes prevailing, Luxor, fringed with its great ribbons of green vegetation, is just now at its heydey, even though the curtain is being slowly rung down on the Egyptian season. It forms the busy passing point for hosts of tourists who are returning from the upper Nile and those belated travelers who are hurrying up to Assouan, Wadi Halfa and Khartoum. Belgian colors are in favor everywhere for King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians have been among the noted visitors of recent days. The queen is accompanied by Countess von der Steen and her sister. Princess Rupprecht of Bavaria, who has come down from Assouan.

Big Circus Shows Today

Parade a Feature of Barnum & Bailey Exhibition

The circus parade is evidently here to stay. A few years ago a couple of the big shows thought they could draw the crowds to their tents without sending their glittering wagons, animals, clowns and steam calliope through the streets, but apparently they found that the plan was not a success. They are all back with the morning procession again, much to the joy of the small boy and his parents. too.

Outwitted the Orientals

An Experience With the Customs Officials at Kermanshah.

In eastern lands the collecting of customs dues is attended with perhaps more than ordinary fraud. In his book, “‘From Batum to Baghdad,” Mr. W. B. Harris has told his experience with the customs officers of Kermanshah. The incident had Its comical feature as well as its serious lesson:

Two hours later than I had Intended we made a start and, proceeding through the long tunnel-like bazaars, emerged from the town. Here fate had annoyance in store for me. At the local custom house the guards wanted to search as and make us pay duty on our scanty baggage.

Nevada Man Makes a Trip

Oscar Woodbury, who has been spending the winter in Boston, has returned to this city and will leave for Silver City to-morrow where he will start the cyanide plants as…

Ghouls Steal Body

Tomb of Former Congressman William L. Scott Is Raided at Erie , PA. Woman’s Body is Stolen — Coffin of Mrs. Anna M. M’Collom, Relative of Family , Found Empty…

Aero Meet for Seattle

The Seattle Star, Seattle, WA, January 2, 1911 If present plans do not miscarry, Glenn H. Curtiss, one of the greatest of American aviators, and his pupil, Eugene Ely, will…