Police Squad in Chinatown Will Be Sued

Shew Hing Association Takes Action.



Twenty Thousand Dollars Will Be Asked as Damages for Disturbance Created in the Quarters.

The Shew Hing Benevolent Association will bring suit early next week for $20,000 damages and costs of the action against the city and county of San Francisco, ex- Chief of Police Lees and the Chinatown squad for entering its rooms at 751 Clay street without warrant of law on the 6th day of October last.

A Merry Christmas

In these latter days no great respect is exhibited for things that are merely old, but old fashioned as is Christmas and familiar as are the associations that cluster round it, the world would be poor indeed if its observance were lost to it. It is one of those things so intimately associated with emotions and thoughts which are kindly, and pure, and helpful to all, that although it comes year by year, with the same old words, and kindly greetings, and neighbourly customs, and youthful pleasure and laughter and merriment, for both young and old, it always has a new face, and the whole world greets it with a welcome hand. “A Merry Christmas” will pass from lip to lip not only all over the continent of Australia, but where there is a knowledge of the Christ in all lands; and who shall say that, the world is not the better for it. Christmas of 1900 should be a memorable one ; it is the last of the dying century, and ushers into existence a new born nation in these southern seas. The future is pregnant with potentialities of greatness for the Australian Commonwealth. Let us hope that the light of faith, generated with the birth of Christ in the manger and flashed upon us down the long centuries, will continue to illumine and guide the minds of the people of this continent, so that our future may be one of peace, progress, happiness and prosperity.

News From the Ocean and Water Front

Illustration of the Marion and Philippine after the collision

Naval Reserve Steamer Marion and Schooner Philippine in Collision

No Damage Was Done, but the Tugs Governor Markham and Redmond Had to Separate the Vessels

The Naval Reserve steamer Marion and the schooner Philippine met in collision yesterday morning. The Robert Lewers was also in the mix-up, but luckily no harm was done and none of the vessels lost more than a little paint.

The Philippine and Robert Lewers arrived from Hawaii last Tuesday and anchored oft Folsom-street wharf. The Marion came back from a short cruise outside the heads last Sunday and also anchored off the transport wharf. Unfortunately the Naval Reserve boat was anchored In the fairway and Wednesday Captain James was notified by Chief Wharfinger Henderson to move her. Without waiting for the officer of the day to put In an appearance the boatswain attempted to move the ship himself, and all the resulting trouble followed.

How Titles are Acquired

From Lippincott's Magazine. "It was just after the close Of the Florida war and General Jackson was in Washington on official business of some kind. It was a beautiful morning…

Cabin John Bridge

Sunday Scene in Local Option Montgomery County.


Slot Machines in Full Operation for Gambling.


View of the back side of the Cabin John Hotel, early 20th century.

While the good people of Washington were attending church Sunday, just across the District line at Cabin John bridge the depraved were rollicking in high carnival. The day was not propitious for a general turning out, but there was nevertheless a big crowd at the well-known resort, where everything goes. The place recalled the early western mining camps, where no distinction was made as to men and methods, and where everything was “wide open all the time.”

It was a poor commentary on the morals of the capital city to witness the scenes of depravity that were enacted almost within the shadow of the great white dome beneath which laws for the good government of mankind are made. The frequenters of the resort last Sunday were made up for the most part of the lower strata of society, yet there were others present who are well known in the business world of Washington, and there was another class, as much out of place it seemed as a rose in a swamp—young girls who came on bicycles, stopping “just for a minute” to get a drink of lemonade. The excitement of the place seemed to Intoxicate them, and they tarried, many of them to taste for the first time this new sensation of depraved society. They stay perhaps to taste their first drink of intoxicants, ending in the wild orgies that too often form a part of the program at such resorts.

At the Park

The Noble Dramatic company opened the first night of their week’s engagement at the Park opera house last night to a good house. Considering that there were several other entertainments…

Rifle Sequel to Dog Fight

Photo. in an old saloon

Bullet Missed Mark

Passed Through McGregor’s Arm — Barber Next Door Had a Narrow Escape.

Duncan McGregor’s pet bull dog almost cost his master’s life this morning at the hands of Freeman Quinn. Quinn shot at McGregor with a Winchester rifle at uncomfortably close range. The bullet that was intended for McGregor passed through the sleeve of his jacket, cutting several holes in the garment, but McGregor was uninjured.

The shooting occurred in McGregor’s saloon, at the corner of Mercury and Montana street. The place is quiet, traffic does not block the streets of the locality incidents of moment are unusual, and the bonnie Highland soldiers in the pictures that adorn the walls must have been astonished at what happened to disturb their peace and quiet and to remind them of tented field and fierce foray.

Sailors Needed

To Man the New Battleships Being Completed

USS Castine
USS Castine (PG-6)

Washington, D. C, April 9.—The difficulty in securing a sufficient number of sailors to man the new battleships and other naval craft which are being turned out by our ship-builders has led to the renewal in some quarters of the suggestion that some of the larger vessels of Admiral Watson’s squadron be withdrawn from the Philippines to make up the complements of the new ships at home. It is stated at the Navy Department, however, that no action in that direction has been determined upon, and in view of the expected arrival on the Asiatic station within a fortnight of Admirals Romey and Kempff, and the ensuing division of the naval force on the station into two squadrons, it is not contemplated that any change will be made.