Topography of Central Australia

By D. L. Beetson.

In May last it happened to be my fate to be attached as assistant to an exploring expedition, the original programme being, I believe, that we were to visit the Ruby Fields, returning via Western MacDonnell, round Lake Amadeus, and thence through the Musgrave Ranges to Charlotte Waters. One of the principal objects of the expedition was the obtaining of reliable information from a competent authority as to the geological formation of that portion of Central Australia. Mr. J. J. East accompanied the party as geologist, and to that gentleman I am indebted for much useful and interesting information that I could not otherwise have acquired.

Arrested for Rifling Mails

Hastings, Neb., May 2 — [Special Telegram to the Bee ]— Postoffice Inspector Fredrick caused the arrest yesterday of J. R. Gatewood, postmaster at Eustis, Neb., for rifling registered and…

West Coast Horticulture

A number of land owners along Honcut creek have been extensively grafting chestnut and wild oak trees this Spring and apparently a perfect union has been made in most instances.…