A Kennebecker in Cuba

Among the American Captains In Havana

By Capt. J. H. Drew of Farmingdale.


Come with me. The fresh sea breeze is blowing and we will go on board. Our squadron of boats work out among the fleet of vessels, the Marine Band is playing on board the monster “Arapiles” ironclad, and a thousand streamers fill the sky. We are soon on board, our repast is over, and we repair to the clean quarter deck. The awnings are spread, and we seat ourselves as though at home. Soon the sun is gilding the distant hill-tops, showing here and there a tufted palm or grove of orange trees. Some distant convent bell is calling to vespers.

Two Amazons

Bellows Falls Times, Bellows Falls, VT, January 7, 1876

About a year ago a man named Jonas Butler went into the wild region around the head waters of the Delaware River, about twenty miles above Delhi, N. Y., for the purpose of cutting railroad ties and peeling bark, on contract for some parties in Greene County. He erected a log cabin, where he and his wife, his daughter Jennie, aged sixteen, and an infant child made their home.

On Sunday, Dec. 19, Butler was absent from home, and about 5 o’clock in the afternoon of that day Mrs. Butler and her daughter heard an unusual commotion among the pigs in the pen, a log inclosure a few rods away from the house.