A Dallas Custom

That of the policemen discharging loaded pistols all over the city every time an alarm of fire is raised at night. The object is to arouse those who are not…

Overflow of the Ouachita

We learn from a gentleman who has just arrived from the Ouachita country, that the river overflowed its banks, and threatens the lands from Harrisonburg down. As it now is,…

Our Ashantee Correspondence

We print this morning another letter from our correspondent at the headquarters of the British army in the land of the Ashantees. Although we have had later accounts by cable…

Sioux on the War-Path — Several Cattle Raids Reported

Omaha, Neb., Feb. 9. — Official letters from the commanding officer of Sidney Barracks reports that Pawnee Killer and Two Lances, accompanied by ninety-three lodges of Whistler’s band of Sioux and two of the Brule band, have left the reservation, and are moving to the hunting grounds south of the Platte, by way of Lewis Canon. They claimed that they bad the verbal permission of the Agent to do so. Two Lances reported two other bands near Lewis Canon, one of twenty-five lodges of Arrapahoes, and another of some fifteen warriors, after the Utes, who had a few days previous stolen a largo number of horses from there. There is no question but that the Indians are highly incensed at the treatment.