The work on Green River bridge is progressing slowly. It may be completed this week—but will probably not. It could have been done sooner, but tardiness and inefficiency in other quarters has rendered great haste here unnecessary.
The trick adopted by the Yankees in their various battles with the Confederates of raising the Confederate flag and imitating the secret signals of the Confederates, is unprecedented in civilized…
The principal naval recruiting in New York, at present, is for Commodore Porter’s mortar fleet. The two rendezvous are thronged with brawny sailors of all nations, but chiefly Americans. Applicants seems to be attracted, rather than repelled, by the prospect of hazardous service. Every kind of sea-going talent is wanted for this expedition, and a sailor can obtain the position of master’s mate, gunner’s mate, seamen or ordinary seamen, just according to his qualifications.
A member of Col. Stambaugh's regiment, in Camp Negly, Ky., relates the following remarkable incident, as having occurred during a recent storm. He says that "about midnight the thunder and…
Charleston, Oct. 23. The enemy advanced yesterday morning in two columns, against Coosawhatchie, and the other against Pocotaligo. He was repulsed from Pocotaligo by our forces. At Coosawhatchie he succeeded in gaining…
Parliament inquired into the conduct of the Crimean War, and out of the investigation grew the remedy for a host of grievances. The French Assembly, in the days of the Republic, also looked into the failures of their Generals. Our army claims exemption from criticism, immunity from censure, and that all its mistakes may he covered.
The Investigating Committee, on calling on General McClellan for facts in the Ball’s Bluff affair, were informed that he was too busy to look into past disasters. We confess we do not like the precedent. Once established, no limit can be named where it will end. It is not simply that a vexed question may be settled, as to who is responsible for the wholesale murder at Ball’s Bluff; who is to blame that our Federal troops were shot down like penned sheep; whose fault it was that there were no suitable means provided for crossing the Potomac; by whose mistake it was that Baker was sacrificed; why the movement was made at all; or when made, why recalled. It is not simply to settle these points that on investigation is needed, but to fix in the minds of all our commanders a consciousness that for all similar errors they are to be held responsible before the people.