The business claiming the consideration of this national organization was yesterday brought to a close, when it adjourned sine die, previous to which it was determined to hold the next meeting…
Lucknow — The Town House of Captain F. Hayes, M.A. — From a Photograph
The news from the capital of the territory of Oude will be found at page 18. We engrave upon the preceding page a general View of the City and the Town House of Captain F. Hayes, M.A., who acted as English Resident doing the absence of Sir James Outram.
Lucknow is represented is displaying a varied, lively, and even brilliant prospect, when viewed from an elevated position. as the Observatory, whence one of the accompanying Views was photographed. Lucknow may be regarded as entitled to an honorable distinction among Indian cities. in possessing an observatory. The following general view of the city is from the Bombay Times, just received : —
East Indian Railway Water-Tank at Barwarie, Defended Against the Mutineers for Thirty-Two Hours (From a Correspondent at Allahabad.) I send you a sketch of a Railway Water-tank at Barwarie, twenty-three…
THE " LEVIATHAN " — A renewed attempt has been made this week to launch this vessel. The machinery used and the hydraulic apparatus had been greatly increased in strength, and instead…