Adjournment of Congress

The 14th of August has been fixed upon for the adjournment of Congress. Much important business remains to be acted up on, and it is said to be impossible for it to adjourn at the time appointed, without serious injury to the best interests of the country. Among the important bills pending are those for the increase of pay of the officers of the Army who are continually quitting the service because they cannot support themselves as becomes their station.

Fair of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society

We are requested to call attention to the following regulation of the Board of Managers, in regard to the Fair to be had on the 14th inst. The Society will meet on Tuesday; the annual address will be delivered on the evening of that day, at the Supreme Court Room, at half past seven o’clock; the Fair will be held on Wednesday, the 14th, opening at 12 o’clock noon, in the Court room.