Two Amazons

Bellows Falls Times, Bellows Falls, VT, January 7, 1876

About a year ago a man named Jonas Butler went into the wild region around the head waters of the Delaware River, about twenty miles above Delhi, N. Y., for the purpose of cutting railroad ties and peeling bark, on contract for some parties in Greene County. He erected a log cabin, where he and his wife, his daughter Jennie, aged sixteen, and an infant child made their home.

On Sunday, Dec. 19, Butler was absent from home, and about 5 o’clock in the afternoon of that day Mrs. Butler and her daughter heard an unusual commotion among the pigs in the pen, a log inclosure a few rods away from the house.

The Carpatho-Russians

The New York Herald, New York, NY, January 5, 1920

To the Editor of the Herald : —

There is considerable confusion concerning the term “Carpatho-Russians,” and the facts are often still more beclouded by newspaper articles which put the Ukrainians and Carpatho-Russians together. Such an article appeared in the Herald on December 29, under the caption “Ukraine Congress Here to Protest Polish Mandate.”

In the first place, there is no such nation, race, language, country or religion known as Carpatho-Russian. The Carpatho-Russians are an insignificant political party — nothing more. Ever since East Galicia, peopled by Ukrainians formerly unwilling subjects of the Russian Empire, became a part of the Austrian Empire, the Russian Tsar sought to win the territory back to his domain. He sent into East Galicia many agents, some political, some of them Russian Orthodox priests, to try to convert the people into Russophiles. These Russian Tsarist agents, together with the few converts they made, were the Carpatho-Russians. In race and language they are Ukrainians; in religion and politics they are Russian. Out of a total Ukrainian population of more than four million in East Galicia the Carpatho-Russian party numbers less than fifty thousand.

USS Maine entering Havanna Harbor

Intervention is Imminent

The Herald, Los Angeles, CA, January 13, 1898

Anti-Liberal Rioting at Havana Forces President McKinley to Order Cruisers to the Front — The Crisis Is Reached

HAVANA, Jan. 12. — Via Key West, Jan. 12 — (Special to The Herald.) The long anticipated anti-liberal outbreak took place here this morning. It took the form of an attack by army and volunteer officers and the ultra-Spanish element upon the leading liberal newspaper offices, crying “Down with autonomy!”

El Reconcentrado was first visited and wrecked.

The office of La Discuscion, which is situated next door to the Hotel Inglatera, and above which the New York Journal bureau is located, was next attacked and gutted. Amid cries of “Down with autonomy” were heard cheers for Spain and counter cries for annexation.

The demonstration and attack being headed by army officers in uniform, the police, mounted and unmounted, made no attempt to interfere and all calls by telephone to the palace and military governor for assistance to protect the properties were unanswered.

San Francisco Items

Sacramento Daily Record-Union, January 3, 1883 New Year’s Day along the city front was exceedingly dull, although during the early morning hours it was somewhat lively for the shipping, some…

Aero Meet for Seattle

The Seattle Star, Seattle, WA, January 2, 1911 If present plans do not miscarry, Glenn H. Curtiss, one of the greatest of American aviators, and his pupil, Eugene Ely, will…
One of the Battleships in the Tyne (photograph; silver gelatin print)

Daniels Believes in Limiting Navy

Pensacola Journal, Pensacola, FL, January 12, 1921 America Must Have Strongest Unless All Disarm, Secretary Asserts WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The present time was described as ripe for a movement toward…

January 12, 1861 – “Hold ’Em and let ’Em Fizz, till They Fizzle Out.”

This is the suggestion of a humble private citizen as to the best mode of treating the secessionists. The expression is not elegant, nor diplomatic, but it is sensible and hits the bull’s-eye in the center. We presume that the man who used it had not a very clear idea as to the details of the process he proposed, taking only a rough and comprehensive view. But his idea is the correct one, and furnishes a good text for a brief statement of the policy that will kill out the disunion conspiracy, if anything can.

woman in black tank top with black tattoo on her left shoulder

Tattooed Women

The Cairo Bulletin, Cairo, IL, January 1, 1904 Famous Pictures, Crests, Automobiles, Phrases and Bad Jokes on Some Fair Integuments. Alfred South, of Cockspur street, who may be described as…