Congressional Proceedings

Evening Star, Washington, DC, January 17, 1856

In the House yesterday, after we went to press, other gentlemen explained the reasons actuating them in voting on Mr. Thorington’s resolution, viz : Messrs. Purviance, Sherman, Dunn, Fuller of Pa., Stanton, Thorington, Wade, and Washburn of Me.

Some debate took place between Messrs. Stephens, Zollicoffer, and Richardson, in the course of which the latter took occasion to say that while he believed that, according to the letter of the constitution, Congress had the power to exclude slavery from the territory of the United States, yet that it was unjust and wrong, and in violation of the spirit of that instrument, to do so, as the constitution was made for the purpose of securing equality among the States and to the people of the whole country.

Fist Fight in State Senate

The Tacoma Times, Tacoma, WA, January 16, 1917

Olympia, Jan. 16 — Great commotion was caused on the floor of the senate this morning when Senators Howard Taylor of King and Tom Brown of Whatcom engaged in a fist fight.

Brown had accused Taylor of trying to make himself “King of the Senate,” and had made other accusations against him.

Taylor had offered Brown “to go Into the ante-room and repeat what he said, but Brown had refused, saying that he would repent his accusations on the floor.

Taylor reached over Brown’s desk and struck him a resounding whack full in the face.

The Gift to Gen. Kilpatrick

Vermont Daily Transcript, St. Albans, VT, January 15, 1869 We mentioned two or three days ago that Gen. Kilpatrick, at the close of his lecture in Hartford, was presented with…

January 15, 1861 – From South Carolina

January 14.—It is believed by many here that Major Anderson shot two mutineers at Fort Sumter last week, and rumors are current that several others are in irons. It is further stated that one escaped to Charleston, and was returned by the authorities to Major Anderson. On inquiry it is ascertained that all these rumors are false.

A resolution has been unanimously passed by the Legislature, declaring that any attempt by the Federal Government to reinforce Fort Sumter will be considered an act of open hostility, and as a declaration of war. Also approving the act and promptness of the military in firing on the Star of the West, and promising support to the Governor in necessary measures of defence.

Where’s Mr. Ebling?

The New York Herald, New York, NY, January 14, 1856 The Commissioner of Streets and Lamps has issued several proclamations in relation to the present horrid condition of the city…
1896 map of Martian “canals” based on Lowell’s observations.

Signaling to Mars

The Gold Leaf, Henderson, NC, January 9, 1902 The Difficulty of Doing So by Means of Light. The very largest city that this earth has ever known would be altogether…
Steam Schooner (Yosemite)

The Deep Sea Fishing Company

The Daily Morning Astorian, Astoria, OR, January 8, 1887 The Dolphin, the new steam schooner of the Astoria Deep Sea Fishing Co., went out yesterday, for the first time. She is…