Published in New York, NY
- Shipping News — Whalemen (Apr 9)
- Street Rowdyism (Aug 4)
- Where’s Mr. Ebling? (Jan 14)
- Resignation of Hartstene (Jan 12)
- The Mississippi State Convention (Jan 13)
- The Secession of Louisiana (Jan 27)
- A Note on the Pawnee’s Engines (Feb 8)
- New York Vessels Seized in Savannah (Feb 10)
- The Sixty-Ninth Regiment (Mar 10)
- Pawnee’s Engines Questioned (Mar 21)
- News from Washington (Mar 28)
- Virginia on the Verge of Secession (Apr 4)
- The War Question (Apr 7)
- Bombardment of Fort Sumter (Apr 13)
- Firing at Fort Sumter (Apr 13)
- Spies Among the Federal Troops (May 13)
- Arms for the Rebels at Havana (Jun 7)
- Discharge of Misses Scott from Arrest (Jul 14)
- Loyalty of the Employees of the Executive Mansion (Sep 5)
- The Order Against Picket Shooting (Sep 22)
- Important From Fort Pickens (Oct 13)
- Colonel Cochrane’s Regiment (Oct 20)
- The Hayes Arctic Expedition (Oct 20)
- Bloody Fracas in Beauregard’s Army About a Pint of Whiskey (Nov 6)
- The Battle of Belmont and the War for the Union (Nov 10)
- News by Way of Hatteras Inlet (Nov 12)
- Slidell’s Secretary of Legation (Nov 17)
- The Fight With the Rebel Steamer Patrick Henry (Dec 8)
- Important Statement of a Refugee From Richmond (Dec 20)
- Vandalism in the South (Jan 5)
- How to Get Out of New Orleans (Jan 26)
- Reconnaissance Near Vienna (Feb 9)
- The Rebel Commissioners In England (Feb 16)
- Our Ashantee Correspondence (Mar 2)
- The Carpatho-Russians (Jan 5)