The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment was a Union army regiment that participated in the American Civil War. It had the distinction of being the oldest unit in continuous service from Pennsylvania.


The 11th Pennsylvania was recruited from several counties in Pennsylvania as a three-month regiment on April 26, 1861, and sent to Camp Curtin, Harrisburg for training and organization. Phaon Jarrett served as its first colonel, with Richard Coulter as lieutenant colonel and William D. Earnest as major. It was assigned to Robert Patterson’s Army of the Shenandoah. The regiment received the nickname “The Bloody Eleventh” at the Battle of Hoke’s Run, Virginia, July 2, 1861.

The 11th was reorganized as a three-year regiment in the August of the same year at Camp Curtin in Harrisburg. After a few weeks of drill, the regiment was given garrison duty at Annapolis, Maryland. In April, it was moved to Mannassas Junction, where it guarded the railroad. It was again transferred, this time to the Shenandoah Valley, in late May as part of Irvin McDowell’s Corps. They fought in the Battles of Cedar Mountain and Second Bull Run.

After the Army of Virginia was merged into the Army of the Potomac, the reconstituted regiment became part of the I Corps. At Turner’s Gap at the Battle of South Mountain, the 11th came under light fire only, losing two men wounded. At the Battle of Antietam three days later, it was heavily engaged on the Union right around the West Woods. In this battle, it lost 27 killed, 89 wounded, and two captured.

When the original three-year enlistment period expired in January 1864, many of the men re-enrolled in the regiment at the influence of Brig. Gen. Richard Coulter, a former colonel of the regiment. Because of this, the unit was designated “veteran volunteers.” During the reorganization of the Army in the spring of 1864, the 11th became part of the V Corps, as the old I Corps had been disbanded, and surviving units transferred to the V Corps.

The 11th fought in multiple battles in the Eastern Theater, including Second Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Grant’s Overland Campaign, the Siege of Petersburg, and the Appomattox Campaign. It was mustered out on July 1, 1865.

Monument to the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment by Edward A. Kretschman (1849-1923) at the Battle of Gettysburg. It is located off Doubleday Avenue on Oak Ridge in the Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA, USA. The location is near the right flank of the First Corps on July 1, 1863. Note the inclusion of the regimental mascot, Sallie (see info at left).
A total of 1,890 men served in the regiment during the war, and only 340 men were discharged at war’s end.

Source: Wikipedia

See Also