New York 38th Infantry Regiment

“Second Scott’s Life Guards”

Mustered in: June 3, 1861
Mustered out: June 22, 1863

Colonels: J. H. Hobart Ward, James C. Strong, Regis De Trobriand;

Lieutenant-Colonels: Addison Farnsworth, James C. Strong, James D. Potter, Robert F. Allison;

Majors: James D. Potter, William H. Baird, Augustus Funk, George H. Starr, Francis Jehl.

The 38th, the 2nd Scott’s Life Guard, composed of seven companies from New York city, one from Geneva, one from Horseheads and one from Elizabethtown, was mustered into the U. S. service at New York City, June 3 and 8, 1861, for two years, and left the state for Washington on the 19th.

It went into camp on Meridian hill until July 7, when it was ordered to Alexandria and assigned to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, and was active at the first battle of Bull Run, where it lost 128 in killed, wounded and missing.

During August and September the regiment was employed in construction work at Forts Ward and Lyons in Howard’s brigade, and in October was assigned to Sedgwick’s brigade, Heintzelman’s division. The winter camp was established in Oct., 1861, on the old Fairfax road and occupied until March, 1862, when, with the 2nd brigade, 3d division, 3d corps, the regiment embarked for Fortress Monroe.

It participated in the siege of Yorktown; the battle of Williamsburg, where the loss of the command was 88 in killed, wounded and missing; shared in the engagement at Fair Oaks, and in the Seven Days’ battles, after which it encamped at Harrison’s landing until Aug. 15.

From there it moved to Yorktown and Alexandria; was active at the second Bull Run and Chantilly; reached Falmouth on Nov. 25, and at Fredericksburg, lost 133 members killed, wounded and missing.

On Dec. 22, 1862, the regiment received the addition of four companies of the 55th N. Y., which were added to the six companies of the 38th formed by consolidation of the regiment on Dec. 21.

It participated in the “Mud March;” returned to camp near Falmouth; engaged in the Chancellorsville campaign; was then stationed at Acquia Creek until the troops started for New York on June 4 and was mustered out at New York city, on the 22nd. The three years men were transferred to the 40th N. Y. infantry, of which regiment they became Cos. A, E and H.

The total strength of the regiment was 796 and it lost 75 by death from wounds and 46 from other causes.

More information at the New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center

See Also