1st Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Connecticut Light Guards)
Reconnoitering the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad (1861)

District of Columbia
Constitutional Guards
A Skirmish (1861)

Metropolitan Rifles
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)

National Rifles
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)

Putnam Rifles
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)

Washington Light Infantry
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)

The Crescent City Guards
Our Volunteers (1861)

3rd Maine
Navy Yard Matters (1861)

The Cecil Guards
Moonlight Parade (1861)

Sixth Massachusetts Militia Regiment
Attack upon the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts troops at Baltimore (1861)
Something Afoot! (1861)
Patriotism In Baltimore (1861)
The “Daughter of the (Sixth) Regiment” in Uniform (1861)

Cadet units
The Cadets in Lowell (1861)

8th Massachusetts Militia Regiment
Ingenuity of the Massachusetts Eighth (1861)

11th Massachusetts
Navy Yard Matters (1861)

New York

9th New York State Militia Regiment
A Skirmish (1861)

11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment ("Fire Zouaves")
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)

12th New York Volunteer Infantry ("The Onondaga Regiment")

The 25th Regiment
New York State Troops (1861)

38th Infantry Regiment ("Second Scott's Life Guards")

The 69th Regiment (New York State Militia)
The Sixty-Ninth Regiment (1861)

The Cadiz Guards
Departure of the Soldiers (1861)

3rd Ohio Infantry Regiment
From Camp Dennison (1861)

6th Ohio Infantry Regiment ("Guthrie Greys")
From Camp Dennison (1861)

10th Ohio Infantry Regiment
From Camp Dennison (1861)

13th Ohio Infantry Regiment
From Camp Dennison (1861)

17th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Letter from Camp Anderson (1861)

Washington Brigade of Philadelphia
Attack upon the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts troops at Baltimore (1861)

11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment