Battles of
Ball's Bluff
Battle Near Leesburg (1861)
Congressional Inquiry Denied (1862)
Carnifex Ferry, VA (1861)
Southern Account of the Battle of Carnifex Ferry (1861)
The Missouri Battle (1861)
First Bull Run / Manassas
Two Days Fighting! (1861)
A Narrow Escape (1861)
Address to the Army from Gen’s Johnston and Beauregard (1861)
The Late Col. Cameron (1861)
Fort Sumter
Bombardment of Fort Sumter (1861)
Captain Doubleday’s Statement (1861)
Firing at Fort Sumter (1861)
Details of the Battle at Fredericton (1861)
Guerilla Warfare
The Murders of Our Pickets (1861)
Kessler's Cross Lanes
Capt. Shurtliff (1861)
Occupation of Alexandria, VA
The War Begun in Earnest (1861)
Pocotaligo, SC
The Affair at Pocotaligo (1862)
Rich Mountain
Fight at Rich Mountain (1861)
Skirmishes & Minor Engagements
The Skirmish at Phillppi (1861)
A Skirmish (1861)
The Federal Troops Driven from Mathias Point (1861)
Latest War News (1861)
Baltimore Riot of 1861
Attack upon the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts troops at Baltimore (1861)
Patriotism In Baltimore (1861)
Commerce, Economics, Trade
New York Vessels Seized in Savannah (1861)
The Outrage Upon a British Captain at Savannah (1861)
Regulations of the Southern Confederacy for Vessels Navigating the Mississippi (1861)
A Richmond Vessel Hoists the Confederate Flag (1861)
Make Butter and Cheese (1861)
The Confederacy
Constitution of the Provisional Government (1861)
The Flag of the Confederate States (1861)
The Inauguration Ceremonies at Montgomery, Alabama (1861)
Military Organization of the Confederate States (1861)
The Palmetto Flag in Richmond (1861)
Warlike Preparations at the South (1861)
The Transfer—Coast Defence, Etc. (1861)
The Rebel Agents in Europe (1861)
Protesting Slave Holders Exemption (1863)
General War News
News from Washington (1861)
Movements of the Federal and Rebel Forces (1861)
From Norfolk (1861)
War News (1865)
Virginia Invaded (1861)
Arms for the Rebels at Havana (1861)
The Manassas Junction (1861)
Reconnoitering the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad (1861)
Spunky Girls (1861)
Letter from the Camp (1861)
The Forward Movement (1861)
Important from New Mexico (1861)
No Battle Yet (1861)
Camp Correspondence (1861)
Arlington Heights (1861)
Abbeville in the War (1861)
Garibaldi Offers his Services (1861)
The Southern Rebellion and the War for the Union (1861)
Commander Porter (1861)
The New State (1861)
Invasion of Kentucky by Tennesseans (1861)
An Exciting Incident (1861)
Loyalty of the Employees of the Executive Mansion (1861)
Stirring Times Ahead (1861)
Letter from Col. Vaughn (1861)
Latest News (1861)
From Fortress Monroe (1861)
Big “Dan” (1861)
From the Potomac (1861)
Getting on Swimmingly (1861)
Gen. Cheatham’s Brigade (1861)
A Friendly Interview Between Pennsylvania Regiments and the Rebels (1861)
From the Army (1861)
Lincoln at the Camps (1861)
Old Fashioned Raising at the County Farm (1861)
Our Soldiers in Virginia (1861)
Colonel Cochrane’s Regiment. (1861)
Iron Breast-plates for Valiant Secessionists (1861)
Army Correspondence (1861)
Correspondence from the 2nd NH (1861)
Troop Movement in Eastern Maryland (1861)
A Military Review (1861)
Opinions of the Press of Col. Singletary’s Late Expedition (1861)
Kentucky Army Letter (1861)
Uniforms of the Army (1861)
Counterfeiting the Flag (1862)
Vandalism in the South (1862)
Arrest of a Rebel Bearer of Dispatches in New York (1861)
What Crinoline is Doing (1861)
Health and Medicine
Health of the Army of the Potomac (1861)
The Home Front
A Lady’s Story (1861)
Flour for the Army (1861)
A Chance for Patriotic Ladies (1861)
The Military Picnic (1861)
To The Ladies (1861)
An Exchange at Harper’s Ferry (1861)
Preparing for Escape (1861)
Caught in Beauty’s Trap—Beware of the Fair Rebel Delilahs! (1861)
Past Due Partiality (1861)
Interstate Views & Opinions
A New Orleans Journal Violent on New England (1861)
Washington Correspondence (1861)
Inventions & Innovations
The Baltimore Steam-Gun (1861)
Capture of a Submarine Boat (1861)
Judicial (Suspension of Habeas Corpus, etc.)
The Case of John Merryman (1861)
Life in Camp & Letters from Camp
Camp Accidents (1862)
Naval War
The Revenue Cutter Aiken Seized (1861)
Capture of a Submarine Boat (1861)
Naval Engagement – Gallant and Daring Chase of a Federal Steamer (1861)
Death of Commander Ward (1861)
Navy Yard Matters (1861)
The Steamer Winslow (1861)
Telegraphic From New Orleans (1861)
Gun-Boat Launched (1861)
The Great Naval Victory (1861)
The Potomac Batteries (1861)
Official Courtesies (1861)
Effects of the Blockade (1861)
The Blockade (1861)
Amy Warwick Captured by the Blockade (1861)
From Fortress Monroe (1861)
Admiral Milne and the Blockade (1861)
Outdated Information (1861)
The Iron-Clad Steamer at Savannah (1861)
Another Speck of War (1862)
Aquia Creek
Firing at Acquia Creek (1861)
Battle of Hatteras Inlet Batteries
Important News from Coast of North Carolina (1861)
Privateering / Commerce Raiding
Southern Privateers (1861)
Timely Suggestion to Ship Owners (1861)
Official Courtesies (1861)
First Prize for a New Orleans Privateer (1861)
The First Charleston Prize (1861)
The Capture of the Privateer Savannah (1861)
A Sable Hero (1861)
Four Prizes Captured! (1861)
From Charleston—The St. Lawrence Sinks a Privateer (1861)
Privateer Dixie’s Prey Retaken (1861)
River War
From Cairo (1863)
Steamboat Captured (1861)
Opinions on & Reaction to the War
Explosion of a Stereotyped Phrase (1861)
Fiendish Wiles of the North (1861)
A Glimpse of the Horrors of Secession (1861)
The Governor of Delaware’s Proclamation (1861)
Pawnee Honors Mount Vernon (1861)
A Prediction Verified (1861)
The Old Fire (1861)
Old Rockingham to the Rescue — The Tenth Legion in Motion (1861)
Our Duty (1861)
Our Warning (1861)
Rutherford County (1861)
The War News (1861)
Thus Far (1861)
To the Breach! (1861)
Whom the Gods Will Destroy They First Make Mad (1861)
Lincoln’s Mercenaries (1861)
Short of Lager (1861)
Substance and Shadow (1861)
Show Your Colors, Gentlemen! (1861)
Union Envelopes (1861)
Lincoln’s Conspiracy Against Liberty (1861)
Personal Letters, Journals, &c.
A Brotherly Letter (1861)
Letter from Lieutenant A. J. Slemmer to his Brother (1861)
Letter from a Member of Hampton’s Legion (1861)
Presidential Election of 1860
The Vote
The Counting of the Votes for President and Vice President (1861)
The President-Elect
Attempts Upon Mr. Lincoln’s Life (1861)
Critique of Lincoln's Speeches (1861)
Lincoln Visits Cincinnati (1861)
Lincoln’s Speech in Cleveland (1861)
On Mr. Lincoln (1861)
Regiments & Units, Confederate
See Confederate unit listing page
Regiments & Units, Union
See Union unit listing page
Relations Between Union and Confederate Governments
Official Courtesies (1861)
Secession & Diplomacy
Border States
City Intelligence: The Arrest of Ross Winans, Esq. (1861)
The Border Slave States (1861)
The Border Slave States (1861) (another article)
Disunionists in Kansas (1861)
Maryland Coming Around (1861)
The Position of Maryland (1861)
Southern Rights Convention in Kentucky (1861)
Patriotism In Baltimore (1861)
Loyal Delaware (1861)
News from Kentucky (1861)
The Mountains for the Union (1861)
Startling News from Southern Kansas (1861)
Arrival of the Rebel Commissioners (1861)
Foreign views of
The Secession Movement in America (England, 1861)
A French View of Secession (France, 1861)
The English Press on American Affairs (1861)
Northern reaction to
Agents of a Foreign State! (1861)
Can an Individual Secede? (1861)
Commissioners to Washington (1861)
Florida's Villainy (1861)
“Hold ’Em and let ’Em Fizz, till They Fizzle Out.” (1861)
Opinion on Secession (1861)
Secession Biting its Own Nose Off (1861)
Shall the North Secede from the South? (1861)
The Progress of Madness (1861)
Treatment of the Palmetto Flag (1861)
What Shall Be Done (1861)
of the Southern states
Col. Lamon to Charleston (1861)
The Feeling in the South (1861)
Iniquity upon Iniquity (1861)
Interesting from Charleston (1861)
Last of the Southern Cadets (1861)
Louisiana Troops Seize Federal Hospital (1861)
The Noble Sentiment (1861)
The Real Struggle (1861)
Reconstruction! How it is to be Accomplished (1861)
The Secession of Louisiana (1861)
The Secessionists to be Recognized by England and France (1861)
Seizure of Fort Neil in North Carolina (1861)
Stirring Events (1861)
Twiggs' Treachery! (1861)
Virginia on the Verge of Secession (1861)
Substance and Shadow (1861)
Capt. F. T. Bryan (1861)
Gatlin in Charge of Coast Defenses (1861)
Unionist sentiment in the South
Gov. Ellis in Wilmington (1861)
Interesting from Charleston (1861)
The Mother of Statesmen (1861)
A Tennessee Editor on Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States (1861)
The War and Slavery (1861)
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