November 19, 1861 – Opinions of the Press of Col. Singletary’s Late Expedition

The Charlotte Bulletin of the 11th in copying our remarks made some days ago headed “Render Unto Caezar,” &c., makes the remark which follow :

Col. Singletary.—We truly regret to learn that the brave, humane and dashing officer, whose name heads this notice, has been arrested by order of Gen. Hill, for having gone on an expedition without orders, but which has resulted in a way a thousand times more important than would have been the recapture of Hatteras, the Federal soldiers there, and the total destruction of the fort.

November 18, 1861 – Scott’s Regiment

The regiment of mounted volunteers under command of Col. Scott, five companies of which will leave Baton Rouge for the seat of war in Kentucky on Saturday, is a corps of which the State may justly feel proud. It is composed of the substantial young men of Louisiana—gentlemen in their social standing, sons of our worthiest citizens healthy, temperate, athletic—good marksmen and excellent horsemen. They have volunteered for the whole war from an ardent patriotism, leaving behind them the comforts of home, and in every instance all the luxuries that wealth can procure. A nobler regiment of cavalry never formed into line on this continent than the one about to part from us—brave and worthy men, commanded by chivalric and intelligent officers.

November 12, 1861 – News by Way of Hatteras Inlet

Baltimore, Nov. 11, 1861.

Captain Dowell, who arrived at Fortress Monroe with the Twentieth Indiana regiment, gives the following statement in reference to the reception of the news front the fleet at Hatteras Inlet:

Captain Dowell states that the day previous to the departure of the steamer S. R. Spaulding, a man was observed paddling across In a small canoe from the main land to the Peninsula, and as soon as he reached shore he proceeded to the quarters of the Twentieth Indiana regiment, and stated that the people of North Carolina had received tidings of the great naval expedition; that it had success in effecting landings at the ports of Port Royal and Beaufort. At the first named place they had experienced no difficulty in landing, as there was but a small settlement on the coast; but at Beaufort a considerable fight took place, which lasted for near two days.