April 25, 1861 – Editorial Correspondence
Sullivans’ Island, Tuesday Evening, April 23rd.
There is some little talk in camp to-day, of our regiment being divided; part to stay here and part to go to Virginia. No official sanction, however, has been given to this expectation. If it should prove true, the Jasper Light Infantry is likely to be one of the companies that will go. We are living as well as heart could wish, and all on that account, simply, would prefer to remain here. But we all dislike the idea of lying idle during the summer, while others may be fighting, and of being an expense to the government without returning something of blood, or hardships, or danger, or all of these combined, to repay. It is thought too, that the Old Dominion, or any region farther North, will be healthier during the hot season. All of these considerations, together with the promptings of patriotism and valor, will, in all likelihood, determine the Jasper Light Infantry to a Northern field whenever called upon.