June 17, 1861 – Reconnoitering the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad

One of the Connecticut Light Guard Shot!

Alexandria, June 16. — A reconnaissance of the Loudoun and Hampshire railroad was made to-day, two miles beyond Vienna, which is fifteen miles north of Alexandria. The train was under charge of Col. Powers, accompanied by the first Connecticut troops, under the command of Brigadier General Tyler. On the return of the train, when two miles this side of Vienna, a man fired on the train from ambush, wounding George Busbee, of the Connecticut Light Guards.

Ruction on Train

Last Friday afternoon, there was considerable excitement on the train which left here at 2 o’clock for Milwaukee. Conductor White in collecting fares approached a man somewhat under the influence…

Sawyer’s Bay Railway Accident

DUNEDIN, This Day.

The railway smash at Sawyer’s Bay turned out to be more serious than was at first reported. The train, which consisted of sixteen trucks and a large guard’s-van, was coming down the incline into Sawyer’s Bay when the engine —an Addington “U”— ran into a cow which had wandered on to the line just below the water tanks used by the engines, and on a curve a few feet above the lie that runs along the bay to Port Chalmers.

The morning was very dark. The cowcatcher bar first struck the cow and carried it along for a little distance, and then the engine, going over the animal and cutting it in two, left the line and ploughed its way along for some distance between the rails on the roadside. It came to a sudden stop by mounting the station platform and smashing into the front of the wooden structure.

Railroad to Serve Reindeer Meat in Every Department

In all probability from 60,000 to 75,000 pounds of reindeer meat will be contracted for by the Alaska Railroad this summer and will be served on the river steamers, the Curry Hotel and dining cars of the Alaska Railroad, according to information obtained by the Anchorage Daily Alaskan.

For the purpose of locating suitable sites for corrals in the Broad Pass district, Louis Jensen, a former partner of Oscar Anderson, in the meat business in the early days, left Anchorage fully a week ago.
It is stated there are sufficient cold storage facilities along the railroad belt, to take care of the present needs of the new industry. Nenana has a fairly good sized plant besides a cold storage plant in Anchorage and there are two other private plants in the city.