Demo Nominee Killed by Bull

Andrew S. Anderson, Candidate for Governor of South Dakota, Is Gored to Death by Animal

SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Aug, 11.—Andrew S. Anderson, Democratic nominee for governor of South Dakota, was gored to death early today at his farm near Beresford, S. D., 30 miles south of Sioux Falls in Clay county.

Details of the tragedy are lacking, but meager telephone reports to Frank Olds, county coroner, indicated that Mr. Anderson had gone to the pasture to take care of the stock when one of the bulls In his herd became enraged and attacked him.

Adjournment of Congress

The 14th of August has been fixed upon for the adjournment of Congress. Much important business remains to be acted up on, and it is said to be impossible for it to adjourn at the time appointed, without serious injury to the best interests of the country. Among the important bills pending are those for the increase of pay of the officers of the Army who are continually quitting the service because they cannot support themselves as becomes their station.