The Cyclops Mystery
Collier May be in Port of Missing Men
Many Theories Suggested to Account for the Disappearance of the Cyclops.
Washington, June 1.—What became of the missing collier Cyclops? Is she a prize in some German port, the victim of treachery? Does she lie disabled in some unfrequented cove of the tropical seas, driven there and helpless by accident?
Or has she made her last voyage and with more than 300 souls turn up in the Port of Missing Men to join seventeen other ships of the American Navy which have disappeared just as mysteriously since 1781?
Sailing from Barbados in the West Indies March 4 with a complement of 295 men the great 19,000-ton naval collier has not since been sighted or reported. By order of the Navy Department all available navy craft in Southern waters have been making a dragnet search for the vessel, but daily the conviction among officials grows stronger that the great modern mystery of the sea will remain unsolved.