The Native Question – Boundary Issues

KIHIKIHI, 20th May.

The southern boundary of the territory mentioned in Rewi’s proposals as from Taupo to Pukehau is undefined, as many of the places laid down in proposals are unknown to Government and Europeans — in fact the whole of the boundaries are only tentatively given. In the northern portion of the reserve the King is reported to have some interest. The boundaries of this block will have to be surveyed.

It will be noticed that by the action of the Government the original proposal at Hikurangi to make Tawhiao a kind of independent princelet in this territory is now abandoned.

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Battle of the Amazons

Tragic Feats of a Heroine—A Female Pitched Battle—Sanguinary Results of Jealousy.

The Nashville Union of Saturday last tells the following extraordinary story:

One of the most sanguinary deeds growing out of jealousy, and one of the highest exhibitions of female courage we have seen any account of for many a day, occurred a few days since near the Last Tennessee line in the edge of North Carolina, bordering on Blount county. The account which we abbreviate from the several reports seems miraculous. The parties represented are creditable and respectable.

It appears that the wife of James Davenport became jealous of a young girl named Kate Jackson, represented as being quite handsome and lovable. Quarrels and contentions were fierce and frequent between the two ladies.

Fall River Mill Owners Expected to Capitulate

Borden's Mill, Fall River

Call Conference for Monday, After Noticing Other Firms Increasing Wages.

Fall River, March 29. With the cotton manufacturers elsewhere falling Into line of wage advances set by the woolen mills the Fall River Cotton Manufacturers association today arranged a conference with the textile council on the wage question for next Monday. This action unexpected was accepted In the city generally as an indication of partial retreat by the mill owners from the position that they would shut down their plants rather than grant an increase.

Small Farmers Deserting Bleak Hebrides, See Climate Changing

Life in Moist, Cool Islands Made Harder Than Usual by Frequent Crop Failures of Recent Years.

Large groups of “crofters” or small farmers, emigrating from the Hebrides because they assert the climate there has changed, bringing about crop failures, draw attention to these islands off the west shore of Scotland.

“Life in the Hebrides whether because of climatic or social conditions, has always been rather hard.” says a bulletin in regard to the islands from the headquarters here of the National Geographic Society. “This part of Scotland is bleak, cool, and very moist. Vegetation does not grow luxuriantly, and the annual temperature has only a few degrees to fall in order that the danger point be reached. Turnips and potatoes are the chief standbys among the vegetables, while barley and oats grow fairly well. Pasturage is good, and stock raising is really the industry best adapted to the Islands: but this fact is of small value to the ‘crofters’ or small farmers. The cattle are raised, rather, on large estates.

Springtime Down the Cape

By Mary S. Freeman (Wellfleet)

Four spring arrivals which precede April 19th by a few days, all arriving about the same time, include mayflowers, “peewinks”, (elsewhere I note they are called “peepers”), herring and dried apple pies! All are welcome additions to spring, barring the dried apple pies, which only fill in, so to speak, between time when winter apples lose in quantity and flavor and new ones are in the market.