Install Automatic Safety Signals

Automatic safety signals are being Installed on the Sand Hill and Brick Yard crossings on the Maine Central Railroad in Winslow. Several months ago hearings were held at the Winslow town hall relative to making these crossings safer and the decision rendered was to Install two electric safety signals at the Sand Hill crossing and one signal at the Brick Yard crossing which is on Bay street.

November 1, 1861 – Our Volunteers in Virginia

The Camden Volunteers, Capt. Kennedy.—The health of this Company has greatly improved. Lieut. Niles, who has been home since the last of August, having left the company on account of sickness, returned on Monday last, with a full supply of clothing, blankets, &c., for the men.

Capt. Cantey’s Company, we are glad to learn, is much improved in health; and are happy to say have not been forgotten by their friends, the ladies—of the Camden Association. Yet, so far as we are aware, there has been no uniforms sent them from here—owing to the difficulty in getting goods suitable to make up, as the Confederate army has engaged all the mills in Virginia and North Carolina. We hope they can and will be supplied there.

October 31, 1861 – Gifts from Litchfield

Sergeant Smith of the 4th Regiment, took back with him on Monday to his company a vast amount of comforts and luxuries for “the boys.” He had Hams, Cheeses, Tubs of fresh butter, Crackers, Shirts, Stockings, pipe and cigars, amounting in all to three large dry goods boxes and one barrel full! Something over seventy pairs of good, thick, warm wollen stockings were sent. Notable mothers, sisters and grandmothers, habituated to such labors, have plied their needles during the past fortnight more industriously than ever, and dainty fingers which never before manipulated anything harsher than Berlin wool, have bravely toiled over the heavy blue yarn, anxious to contribute something to the comfort of their brothers in the distant camp.


The coal from the wrecked schooners Florida, and Laura A. Watson in being landed at the village and Old Harbor, under the careful supervision of Mr. Stephen J. Smith, Underwriters’ Agent, who is on hand at all times, attending to business with his usual dilligence and promptness. The men are at work at almost all hours of the day, and sometimes late into the night. The tides have served so early during the past week, that they were obliged to start by three or four o’clock in the morning. There has been no accident beyond the staving of a few boats, although the weather has been very boistrous, and the sea rough.

Stylish and Stout Models Shown At Daylight Wednesday

Coats, dresses and suits, built especially for the stylish stout woman, were shown in a delightful array, Wednesday forenoon and afternoon at the Daylight Store, H. L. Merrill, proprietor. Two women from New York, who were true to type, under the stylish stout class, displayed the fall and winter models at the two shows to a large number of appreciative patrons.

Dresses for evening wear and yet suitable as well, for afternoon wear were shown, including some lovely creations in the new very popular chenille embroidered georgette. This delightful material gives the look of weight, without actually supplying it. One lovely dress of this material, was in a deep rose color and its sole ornament was a gold cloth lined bow at the front left hip. Another dress was in a rich shade of blue, also made on simple lines.

Meet Judge When Game Laws Broken

Warden Murphy Brings Three to Court—Iowa Fisherman Goes to Jail.

Shooting partridges before the season opens, or catching too many fish are not profitable pastimes, as various offenders found out during the past week when brought to court by J. P. Murphy, Itasca county game warden.

Mike Troppman and Harold Buckman were arrested last Friday, north of Little Riley lake, by Mr. Murphy, and charged with violating the closed season on partridges. Both pleaded guilty, and paid fines when arraigned before Judge Keo Leroux. Troppman, who was once before convicted of violating the game laws, paid a fine of $25 and costs. Buckman paid $10 and costs for his bird.

Boys Cause Annoyance

Salvation Army Complains of a Crowd Around Their Headquarters — Other Complaints.

A gang of boys every night at about 7 o’clock congregate In front of the Salvation Army rooms on New Brunswick avenue, and in many ways disturb the members of that religious body, and also the nearby neighbors. The youths with sticks pound on the sidewalks and houses, which seems to be their favorite amusement. Each night the noises are made by the same boys, and already a number of complaints have been received by the police in regard to stopping the nuisance. A policeman will watch the place, and the first time the disturbance is repeated, a raid will be made on the entire gang. It seems that in every part of the city, crowds of mischievous boys are continually annoying people, and as soon as one gang is dispersed, another one is complained of.