Man Also Suffers Possible Fracture of Skull; Condition Is Reported Critical.
Harry Valdo, 40, a window washer, plunged from a window on the third floor of the Finance building, Nineteenth and Dodge streets, to the cement flooring of the court Saturday afternoon. He is in a critical condition at Lord Lister hospital.
Dr. Walter Bleistein Coming Here to Enlist Aid of Federal Government.
Co-operation of the United States Government and American scientific organizations in a proposed Arctic expedition of the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin will be sought here this week by Dr. Walter Bleistein. secretary and treasurer of the Aero-Arctic Society, who arrived In this country from Europe recently. Dr. Bleistein probably will arrive in this city tomorrow and will remain here two or three weeks, it is expected.
Dr. Bleistein will request the assistance of the War Department, Navy Department and Weather Bureau in arranging the details of the expedition, in setting up fueling and servicing depots and in maintaining communications and weather forecasting services while the big dirigible is in flight over the areas mapped for exploration. The scientific party aboard the Graf Zeppelin probably will be headed by Fridtjof Nansen, noted Arctic explorer. The Graf Zeppelin is to leave Friedrichshafen, Germany, its home base, some time in April, according to present plans, and proceed to Tromsoe, Norway, where a mooring mast has been erected.
THAT THE TIMES is Catholic—that it is fighting not the Ku-Klux Klan, but the Protestants—is the declaration from Klan quarters as a result of the attack being made by The Indianapolis Times against the Klan.
It is the same declaration that always comes when the Klan is under fire.
Just as a matter of information:
It so happens that every stock-holder (and there are no bond-holders) in The Times is Protestant.
It further happens that at the present time every corporate official and every operating manager of The Times is a Protestant.
Automatic safety signals are being Installed on the Sand Hill and Brick Yard crossings on the Maine Central Railroad in Winslow. Several months ago hearings were held at the Winslow town hall relative to making these crossings safer and the decision rendered was to Install two electric safety signals at the Sand Hill crossing and one signal at the Brick Yard crossing which is on Bay street.
Now that the time for the Presidential election is drawing nearer there is hardly anything else but election talk in the air. Every day the radio gives some thing of…
Two Vessels Captured After Early-Morning Battle in Long Island Sound.
NEW LONDON, Conn., October 25.—Guns aboard Coast Guard vessels blazed away yesterday in a hectic battle, fought in the darkness of early morning, with two suspected rum runners.
With five craft already to their credit as the result of previous encounters earlier in the week, the Coast Guardsmen in yesterday’s engagement riddled the liquor-laden speed boat Helen of Newport with machine-gun bullets and one-pound shells and captured a second speed boat, the Pueblos of Bridgeport, believed to be a sister ship of the Helen.
Driver Of Funeral Auto Is Expected To Die BRISTOL, Tenn., Oct. 21.—Harrison Thompson, driver of a motor hearse belonging to David Rhodes, undertaker, was probably fatally injured 12 miles north…
San Francisco, Oct. 20—The dirigible Shenandoah arrived over San Francisco at 3:05 P. M., today and sailed over the business section for a half hour. As far as the city was concerned, she was first spoken off Point Bonita, six miles to the north, at 2:40 P. M., for an hour before the great envelope, steel grey against the sky, could be seen by thousands of eager watchers on the roofs of buildings and in the streets.
The problem which the Franklins and the Kanes, of Arctic science and discovery, have labored so long and with such heroism to solve, has had no new light thrown upon it by the voyage from which Dr. Hayes has just returned. When, in July of last year, he left our shores in the small schooner United States, having on board only sixteen persons and the usual outfit, we felt in no way sanguine that the expedition would be successful in clearing away the mystery which surrounds the North pole, and the result is, therefore, only in accordance with our anticipations. This conveys no ill compliment to its projector, whose enthusiasm, talent and perseverance are undoubted; but we formed our opinion from the weakness of the exploring force. It was an attempt, with very inadequate means, to achieve a great object. Everything about the expedition was on far too small a scale; and, being insufficient, it became a foregone conclusion that it would fail. We are still wanting in scientific data relating to the geography and meteorology of the Arctic region, and even of its navigation and zoology. We are only slightly informed; but this expedition has discovered nothing before unknown on these points, and the death of its astronomer has only added another to the long list of Arctic victims. Had the expedition been larger, and provided with a good scientific party, much might have been attained, where, for want of it, the result has been simply a blank. Dr. Hayes succeeded in making his way by dog sledges no farther north than latitude 81 degrees 35 minutes, which is a lower degree than even Hendrik Hudson reached about the year 1600. We refer to these facts simply to show the folly of fitting out Polar expeditions that, from their very diminutiveness, are unequal to the work for which they are designed.
LONDON, Oct.—Flappers and lounge-lizards, and all who have contributed to the lowering of moral standards, came under severe condemnation today when the national council of public morals met In convention here.
Combining with the national council for the promotion of race renewal, the council of public morals opened up an offensive against laxity in morals.
The morals of the world were dissected and efforts will be made to restore the pre-war standards of morality.